
Wireless / News Briefs

Mozilla, National Science Foundation Offer $2M Prize for a Decentralized Web

Mozilla and the National Science Foundation have announced a $2 million prize for ideas that decentralize the web; prizes will be available for both early-stage design concepts and fully-working prototypes. more

5G Frequency Fees Are Waived in Singapore to Help Drive Market Tests

Singapore government has waived telecom frequency fees for 5G trials until December 2019 in order to catalyze market growth and discovery of potential use cases. more

FCC Gives Approval to LTE-U Devices

Ericsson, Nokia get go-ahead for LTE-U base stations despite early fears they might interfere with Wi-Fi. more

FCC Ends Inquires Into “Zero Rating” Programs

"AT&T and Verizon just got a free pass from the FCC to divide up the internet," Colin Lecher reporting in The Verge. more

For the First Time Wireless Carriers and Auto Makers Seek Common Ground on Wireless Standards

For the first time auto makers and wireless carriers are actually seeking common ground around the creation of the wireless new standard, writes Roger Lanctot, Associate Director in the Global Automotive Practice at Strategy Analytics. more

Google Shows Signs of Agressive Plan for Nationwide Wireless Broadband

Google Fiber is planning a move from the expensive and slow-moving physical pipes strategy to deployment of wireless network, according to an FCC filing. more

Facebook Proposes New Optical Detector to Enable Free-Space Laser Communication

Published today in a scientific journal, Facebook has proposed a new type of optical detector that could simplify the technology behind free-space laser communication and enable high-speed connectivity in areas where traditional infrastructure is difficult to build. more

Obama Administration Announces $400 Million Advanced Wireless Research Initiative

Obama Administration announced today a $400 million Advanced Wireless Research Initiative led by the National Science Foundation (NSF). more

FCC Adopts New Rules for 5G Networks, US First Nation to Make the Move

U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopts new rules to enable rapid development and deployment of next generation 5G technologies and services. more

The Netherlands First Country to Implement Long Range (LoRa) Network for IoT

Dutch telecoms group KPN reports that The Netherlands has become the first country in the world to implement a nationwide long range (LoRa) network for the Internet of Things. more

Wireless Carriers Clashing with FCC Over Proposed Regulations on Mobile Advertising

US Federal Communications Commission is proposing privacy rules that wireless companies claim could hurt their ability to compete with the likes of Facebook and Google. more

Google Adds U.S. Cellular as Partner for Project Fi

Google today announced the addition of U.S Cellular, a leading mobile networks in the U.S., as its newest partner network for its Project Fi program. more

New Wireless Data Transmission Can Send Contents of a Conventional DVD in Under 10 Seconds

With a data rate of 6 Gigabit per second over a distance of 37 kilometers, a collaborative project in Germany including researchers from the University of Stuttgart and the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF has exceeded "the state of the art by a factor of 10" -- equivalent to transmitting the contents of a conventional DVD in under ten seconds. more

Facebook Introduces Open/R as a More Efficient Modular Routing Platform

Facebook has announced a new routing system aimed at solving fast-recovery challenges for its Terragraph network that brings high-speed internet connectivity to dense urban areas. more

New Data Suggests Americans Abandoning Wired Internet Access

According to the latest computer and Internet use data released by NTIA, Americans as a whole are becoming less likely to have residential broadband. NTIA's Chief Economist, Giulia McHenry, in blogs post today wrote: "Americans’ rapid move toward mobile Internet service appears to be coming at the expense of home broadband connections." more