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To Accelerate 5G Adoption, European Telcos Need More IP Addresses

Having access to more IP addresses could enable European telcos to become more competitive in the global 5G race.

European telecommunication service providers are being pushed to pick up the pace regarding 5G adoption. However, the next-gen technology requires immense data capacity and transmission speeds, thus setting up the new infrastructure is no easy task for telcos. Ignas Anfalovas, Engineering Manager at IP management solutions provider IPXO, IP leasing can give telcos more leeway when it comes to managing their IP resources, thus enabling them to focus on a faster 5G rollout.

Currently, both sides of the Atlantic have encountered a number of sticking points slowing down 5G implementation. For example, in the United States, airlines have raised concerns regarding the 5G wireless service interferences with essential flight systems. In Europe, on the other hand, there have been long discussions about radio frequency allocation, which still remains a sensitive topic.

“The implementation of 5G networks in Europe hasn’t gained its expected momentum. EU members have collectively decided on a goal to make making 5G services available to all by 2030, yet it took quite a while to agree on the used radio spectrum. This, paired with the security differences between the member states, will most likely push the 5G infrastructure deployment past the deadline,” commented Anfalovas.

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According to the expert, having access to more IP addresses could help accelerate the matter. One of the ways telcos could do so is by leasing out assets they need via a secure platform, such as developed by IPXO. The platform grants companies access to a reliable pool of IPv4s, which enables them to become better equipped to compete in the global 5G race.

“To reach the goal of making 5G services available to everyone, companies need to ensure great coverage, and to have great coverage, they require more access points, that need to be included into the internal network, most likely using IP resources,” he explained. “Thus, the benefit of having quick access to necessary IP addresses.”

While the current deadline seems to be a rather optimistic target, Anfalovas noted it is still possible, though it would require great cooperation between the European countries and significant investments for infrastructure deployment by the mobile operators and telcos. Following this scenario, leasing IP addresses could help add the missing momentum, enabling the acquisition of necessary resources quickly and at scale.

“Usually, you would have to start the acquiring process of the IP resources way before deploying the rest of the infrastructure considering the fact that it is a lengthy process as well as the scarcity of IPv4,” the expert shared. “Therefore, leasing might be the perfect solution in this case, as it can be done for great quantities and really fast, enabling to add speed to the entire 5G adoption process.”

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By IPXO, IP Monetization and Lease Platform

IPXO, formerly known as Heficed’s IP Address Market, is an IP resource management platform, which enables monetization of unused IP addresses via lease.

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