

Joined on October 5, 2004
Total Post Views: 14,676


I work for Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC), the “.tw” domain name registry since the beginning of 2003. In 2005 I have been assigned to manage Taiwan IPv6 project program office as the Project Manager. Prior to this appointment I helped manage numerous international cooperative projects in advanced technologies like VoIP, RFID, IDN, etc.

I was with from 2000 to 2001. I developed and managed Rcom’s channel partners in Asia-Pacific region. After that I joined, a Singpore software consulting firm which expertizes on channel loyalty program for multi-national IT companies like HP, Motorola, etc.

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More on Story Behind .ASIA

James Seng, my good colleague in APEET, said: "...Chiao called .ASIA 'more or less like a joint venture among APxx organizations'. I say nonsense!" When I say more or less, I mean more or less... On this .ASIA entry, I've intended to use the language carefully at this moment 'cos I know someone will be watching... more

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