Chris McElroy

Chris McElroy

Internet Business and Marketing Consultant
Joined on January 17, 2006
Total Post Views: 44,893


Chris McElroy has been involved in Internet Marketing since 1995. He currently provides content marketing, search engine optimization, blogging, video marketing and social media services.

He has participated in Internet Governance since 1998, participating in mailing lists and working groups for the former DNSO and the AtLarge and now participates in mailing lists about the GNSO and ICANN.

Chris McElroy has been an advocate for the rights of individual users and individual domain name holders since the start of his participation in Internet Governance.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Chris McElroy on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Questioning Parked Domains and Google AdNonSense

Is contextual advertising helping or hurting the web? It basically started with Google Adsense even though the concept wasn't new. It had never been done on the scale that Google did it. Now we have Yahoo Publisher. MSN is building their version. We have Konterra and a whole lot of other companies scrambling to cash in on the contextual ad craze. Initially contextual advertising seems like a good idea. Ads based on the content of your website that might benefit your readers or visitors. Ads that are related to the content you produce that will also help you make a little money for your efforts. However greed ruins all good things. Now there are probably millions of webpages online that are built for the sole purpose of cashing in on contextual advertising. ...To make money with contextual advertising you want your content to be bad. Yes, you want it to be bad. more

ICANN Violating Free Enterprise?

Message to ICANN: Let those who want to create a TLD, simply register it with ICANN. If the TLD is not already taken, if they have the technical capability to mange the TLD, and they have the desire to market domain names on that TLD, then let them do so. ...Do you present a businesss plan to the city you live in before they allow you a business license? Does the city ask you to prove you are financially stable before issuing you a business license? If you apply for a business license to open a clothing store, does the city ask how you will run your clothing store or if you have the necessary expertise to run a clothing store? Does the city think you will hurt them economically if your clothing store goes out of business? No, it's none of their business... more

Topic Interests

DNSNew TLDsDomain NamesICANNSpamRegistry ServicesCybersecurityWhoisInternet GovernanceThreat IntelligenceLawDomain ManagementCybercrimeUDRPPrivacyPolicy & RegulationEmailNetworksBroadbandAccess ProvidersNet NeutralityWeb

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Questioning Parked Domains and Google AdNonSense

ICANN Violating Free Enterprise?