Chris McElroy

Chris McElroy

Internet Business and Marketing Consultant
Joined on January 17, 2006
Total Post Views: 44,905


Chris McElroy has been involved in Internet Marketing since 1995. He currently provides content marketing, search engine optimization, blogging, video marketing and social media services.

He has participated in Internet Governance since 1998, participating in mailing lists and working groups for the former DNSO and the AtLarge and now participates in mailing lists about the GNSO and ICANN.

Chris McElroy has been an advocate for the rights of individual users and individual domain name holders since the start of his participation in Internet Governance.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Chris McElroy on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2014 - May 08 on Still Think .brands Might Be a Waste of Time? Google Doesn't!
2014 - May 07 on NETmundial and the IGF: Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
2014 - May 06 on The Two Sides of Net Neutrality
2014 - May 06 on The Two Sides of Net Neutrality
2014 - May 06 on The Two Sides of Net Neutrality
2014 - May 05 on Outcome from NETMundial Meeting in Brazil Largely Seen as Positive for Business
2014 - May 05 on The Two Sides of Net Neutrality
2014 - May 03 on A New Blog About "New gTLDs"
2014 - May 03 on A New Blog About "New gTLDs"
2014 - May 01 on A New Blog About "New gTLDs"
2014 - Apr 30 on A New Blog About "New gTLDs"
2014 - Apr 24 on Better Than Best Efforts Routing of Mission Critical Traffic and the FCC
2014 - Jan 21 on Singular and Plural New gTLDs: Costly Headaches
2014 - Jan 21 on Think ICANN Will End Up Rolling in New gTLD Cash? Think Again!
2014 - Jan 21 on Singular and Plural New gTLDs: Costly Headaches
2013 - Aug 15 on Singular and Plural New gTLDs: Costly Headaches
2013 - Aug 15 on Singular and Plural New gTLDs: Costly Headaches
2013 - Aug 15 on A Single Price Index for Domain Names Is Misleading
2013 - Aug 15 on Singular and Plural New gTLDs: Costly Headaches
2013 - Aug 15 on Singular and Plural New gTLDs: Costly Headaches
2013 - Aug 14 on ICANN 47: Policy Debates and Cautious Optimism
2013 - Aug 14 on Singular and Plural New gTLDs: Costly Headaches
2008 - Feb 29 on Network Solutions Responds to Front Running Accusations
2008 - Feb 29 on More on the Front Running Class Action Suit
2006 - Jul 21 on How to Stop Spam
2006 - Jun 02 on .XXX and Conservative Groups
2006 - Jun 02 on .XXX and Conservative Groups
2006 - Jun 01 on ICANN Violating Free Enterprise?
2006 - Jun 01 on .XXX and Conservative Groups
2006 - May 31 on Questioning Parked Domains and Google AdNonSense
2006 - May 31 on Questioning Parked Domains and Google AdNonSense
2006 - May 26 on New York Passing New Domain Name Law
2006 - May 26 on New York Passing New Domain Name Law
2006 - May 25 on Questioning Parked Domains and Google AdNonSense
2006 - May 25 on New York Passing New Domain Name Law
2006 - May 25 on Questioning Parked Domains and Google AdNonSense
2006 - May 24 on Search Engines and Registrars Getting Creative with Whois Database?
2006 - May 24 on Search Engines and Registrars Getting Creative with Whois Database?
2006 - May 24 on WIPO Crowing Again About "Cybersquatting"
2006 - May 24 on A Day Which Will Live in Infamy: ICANN Board Approves VeriSign Settlement
2006 - May 24 on Finally the .com Discussion is Over...
2006 - May 24 on EFF and Its Use of Propaganda: Could Karl Rove do better? Probably
2006 - May 23 on ICANN Violating Free Enterprise?
2006 - May 23 on ICANN Violating Free Enterprise?
2006 - May 22 on XXX Litigation Looms
2006 - May 22 on ICANN Violating Free Enterprise?
2006 - May 22 on ICANN Violating Free Enterprise?
2006 - May 22 on ICANN Violating Free Enterprise?
2006 - May 18 on .XXX and Conservative Groups
2006 - May 18 on Answers from Vint Cerf: The Road Ahead for Top-Level Domains
2006 - May 18 on Answers from Vint Cerf: The Road Ahead for Top-Level Domains
2006 - May 18 on Answers from Vint Cerf: The Road Ahead for Top-Level Domains
2006 - May 18 on Thoughts on ICANN Turning Down .XXX
2006 - May 18 on Finding Good ICANN Board Candidates
2006 - May 18 on Fighting Over the Scraps from ICANN's Table
2006 - May 18 on .XXX and Conservative Groups
2006 - Jan 21 on Ask Vint Cerf: The Road Ahead for Top-Level Domains
2006 - Jan 19 on Ask Vint Cerf: The Road Ahead for Top-Level Domains
2006 - Jan 17 on Ask Vint Cerf: The Road Ahead for Top-Level Domains
2006 - Jan 17 on Ask Vint Cerf: The Road Ahead for Top-Level Domains

Topic Interests

DNSNew TLDsDomain NamesICANNSpamRegistry ServicesCybersecurityWhoisInternet GovernanceThreat IntelligenceLawDomain ManagementCybercrimeUDRPPrivacyPolicy & RegulationEmailNetworksBroadbandAccess ProvidersNet NeutralityWeb

Recent Blogs

Questioning Parked Domains and Google AdNonSense

ICANN Violating Free Enterprise?

Popular Posts

Questioning Parked Domains and Google AdNonSense

ICANN Violating Free Enterprise?