Eric Hernaez

Eric Hernaez

Chief Executive Officer of Netmobo
Joined on June 15, 2007
Total Post Views: 62,543


Eric Hernaez is Chief Executive Officer of Netmobo. Prior to that, Eric was a founder of Solegy LLC,  where his team built and deployed one of the first commercial IMS (Internet Multimedia Subsytem) implementations.  Eric is also an ardent advocate of open source software, and co-founded OpenSBC, a popular open source SIP Session Border Controller. Prior to Solegy, Eric held leadership positions in several innovative telecom and Internet start-ups including, Linkon Corporation and Sequel Communications. Eric has BS and JD degrees from Temple University.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Eric Hernaez on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Apple’s PR Nightmare: Open and “Fragmented” vs. Closed and “Integrated”

Over the weekend, I opined that closed app stores - meaning app stores, like iTunes, that restrict users from loading software from other sources (known as sideloading) - would not survive in a market where comparable alternatives, such as Google's Android OS, exist in an open ecosystem. In Apple's Q3 earnings call yesterday, Steve Jobs addressed the issue square on. more

Why App Stores Won’t Survive

The recent news that online retailing giant would open an app store to compete with Google's Android Market has set off a flurry of speculation about the future app store landscape. Within the next few months there will be no fewer than three major Android app stores... Several other major players have announced app store intentions though specifics are lacking. And of course, there are existing independent app stores that publish Android apps, such as GetJar, SlideMe and Appbrain. more

Google Voice Dispute Highlights an Opportunity for Mobile Network Operators

The recent row between Google, Apple and AT&T concerning the removal of Google Voice from the Apple iPhone store highlights the friction existing between network operators and so-called over the top (OTT) application providers. Most observers believe that AT&T initiated the blockade because Google Voice (which offers free or highly discounted calling rates) is a direct threat to AT&Ts call revenue (Google Voice users need only pay AT&T for access to the Internet). more

WSJ on Wireless Network Neutrality

Today's Wall Street Journal had an interesting article (subscription required) on the current state of the wireless walled garden. It cites several recent clashes between handset vendors and cellcos over the extent to which consumers can use their phones to access non cellco content. From the article: "At stake for consumers are what services will be available on their mobile phones and whether they're free or cost a monthly fee. The wireless Web is taking off more slowly in America than overseas, and one reason is that U.S. carriers tightly control what applications are available on mobile devices..." more