Eric Hernaez

Eric Hernaez

Chief Executive Officer of Netmobo
Joined on June 15, 2007
Total Post Views: 62,014


Eric Hernaez is Chief Executive Officer of Netmobo. Prior to that, Eric was a founder of Solegy LLC,  where his team built and deployed one of the first commercial IMS (Internet Multimedia Subsytem) implementations.  Eric is also an ardent advocate of open source software, and co-founded OpenSBC, a popular open source SIP Session Border Controller. Prior to Solegy, Eric held leadership positions in several innovative telecom and Internet start-ups including, Linkon Corporation and Sequel Communications. Eric has BS and JD degrees from Temple University.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Eric Hernaez on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2010 - Oct 28 on Why App Stores Won't Survive
2010 - Oct 21 on Apple's PR Nightmare: Open and "Fragmented" vs. Closed and "Integrated"
2010 - Oct 21 on Apple's PR Nightmare: Open and "Fragmented" vs. Closed and "Integrated"
2010 - Oct 20 on Apple's PR Nightmare: Open and "Fragmented" vs. Closed and "Integrated"
2010 - Oct 20 on Apple's PR Nightmare: Open and "Fragmented" vs. Closed and "Integrated"
2010 - Oct 19 on Mobile Apps vs. Mobile Web
2010 - Oct 19 on Why App Stores Won't Survive

Topic Interests

BroadbandWirelessAccess ProvidersNet NeutralityMobile InternetWhite SpaceTelecomVoIPEnumPolicy & RegulationWeb

Recent Blogs

Apple’s PR Nightmare: Open and “Fragmented” vs. Closed and “Integrated”

Why App Stores Won’t Survive

Google Voice Dispute Highlights an Opportunity for Mobile Network Operators

WSJ on Wireless Network Neutrality

Popular Posts

Google Voice Dispute Highlights an Opportunity for Mobile Network Operators

Why App Stores Won’t Survive

Apple’s PR Nightmare: Open and “Fragmented” vs. Closed and “Integrated”

WSJ on Wireless Network Neutrality