Darshaun Nadeau

Darshaun Nadeau

President, WIXI, Inc.
Joined on June 27, 2008
Total Post Views: 33,962


Darshaun Nadeau is actively involved in the domain community both internationally with ICANN and domestically in Japan. He also sits on the board of the Domain Name Business Association in Japan and previously held the vice-board position on the Japan Internet Providers Association. He is not only one of the first non-Japanese to be integrally involved in the Japanese domain space, but among the early pioneers of the Japanese domain market in general. His first company was a certified JPNIC member in 1999, then was closely involved at the time of the JPNIC/JPRS transition in 2001.

Darshaun founded Solis in 2001, which became both an ICANN and JPRS accredited registrar which he later sold to Japan’s largest domain and hosting company, GMO Internet in 2005. Outside of business, Darshaun is an outdoor enthusiast and adventurer. He sailed his boat across the Pacific Ocean in 2008, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, and has climbed in the Himalayas. He also has enjoys surfing, kayaking, skiing, cycling and many other sports which have taken him to more that 40 countries in his travels around the world.

Darshaun studied Japanese at San Francisco State University and also completed 1 year Japanese programs at both Tokyo International University and Kyoto University of Foreign Studies.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Darshaun Nadeau on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Big Rumble in Tokyo Over JPRS’s Announcement to Offer gTLD Domains

In an announcement at a registrars meeting in Tokyo on October 19th 2010, JPRS announced that they would be offering generic Top-Level Domains (.com, .net, .org, etc.) to their .jp accredited registrars in the near future. JPRS is already famous for their double-dipping practices, acting as both registry and registrar for .jp domains, for their dubious "campaigns" which are aimed at being dis-advantageous to smaller registrars and for their famous registrar back-end "system" which is circa 1995 technology and even prone to accidental DOS attacks by registrars trying to simply drop-catch domains. more

Japan Domain Market Demystified

Ever sat at one of the VeriSign "State of the domain" meetings at any of the ICANN meetings? Or read their reports about countries with the greatest opportunity in domains? Almost without question you will learn that Japan is earmarked as the country with the greatest opportunity for growth in the domain market. They take into consideration important factors such as GDP of a country, internet population, and current domain registration levels... more

Topic Interests

New TLDsDomain NamesMultilinguismRegistry ServicesICANN

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Japan Domain Market Demystified

Big Rumble in Tokyo Over JPRS’s Announcement to Offer gTLD Domains