Stephan Lagerholm

Stephan Lagerholm

Senior DNS Architect with Secure64 Software Corporation
Joined on May 25, 2009
Total Post Views: 13,557


Stephan Lagerholm is a Senior DNS Architect with Secure64 Software Corporation—a software company offering high-performance DNS server software that makes the DNS trustworthy and secure. Secure64 DNS applications include key management and zone signing software that make it easy to deploy DNSSEC securely and correctly as well as DNS server software that is always available. Stephan is a DNS and security expert with over 11 years of international experience in the field. His background includes leadership positions at the largest networking and security system integrator in Scandinavia, and responsibility for designing hundreds of complex IT-networks. Stephan is one of the few persons in the U.S. to have integrated DNSSEC into production environments. Stephan is CISSP certified and holds a Master of Science degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from Uppsala University in Sweden.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Stephan Lagerholm on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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Operational Challenges When Implementing DNSSEC

As a reader of this article, you are probably familiar with the DNS cache poisoning techniques discovered a few years ago. And you have most likely heard that DNSSEC is the long term cure. But you might not know exactly what challenges are involved with DNSSEC and what experience the early adopters have gathered and documented. Perhaps you waited with our own rollout until you could gather more documentation over the operational experience when rolling out DNSSEC. This article summarizes authors' experiences and learnings from implementing the technology in production environments as well as discusses associated operational issues. more

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DNSDNS SecurityCybersecurityThreat Intelligence

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Operational Challenges When Implementing DNSSEC