Mary Roach

Mary Roach

Director of Product Marketing, MarkMonitor
Joined on August 5, 2009
Total Post Views: 76,570


Mary Roach is Director of Product Marketing for MarkMonitor Brand Protection solutions and brings over 15 years of marketing and management consulting experience from the Internet, wireless and medical device industries. Prior to MarkMonitor, Mary held various senior marketing positions at technology companies throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and was an engagement manager with A.T. Kearney and Quattro Consulting.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Mary Roach on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


Topic Interests

LawBrand ProtectionDomain NamesCybersecurityDomain ManagementCybercrimeThreat IntelligenceWebUDRP

Recent Blogs

Typosquatting Continues to Pose Dangers to Enterprises, Consumers

Chanel’s Message On Fakes: We Take It Seriously and So Should You

Old Dog, New Tricks: Gift Card Scams in Social Networks

EU Ruling on Google Ad Keywords: Implications for Brand Owners

A Sophisticated Online Counterfeit Ring

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