Mohamed EL Bashir

Mohamed EL Bashir

Public Policy & Internet Governance Strategist
Joined on March 28, 2010
Total Post Views: 34,332


+15 years of International experience delivering more than 10 global/country-wide Internet/Telecom Public Policy, Regulatory Frameworks, and Technology Programs.

Recently co-lead the global transition process for the Internet’s Infrastructure oversight from the U.S. Government to the global Internet Community represented by ICANN. Led cross-functional policy & technical and systems teams of up to 30 from diverse organizational stakeholder groups like ICANN, The Internet Society, International Chambers of Commerce, IETF, Governments Representatives (e.g United States, China, India, Brazil & Egypt) and leading Tech. companies ( e.g Facebook).

Have work experience in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and comfortable doing business with diverse cultures with an excellent team building and project management skills.

Holds an MBA degree from the University of Manchester and completed executive education programs from MIT Solan Business School, Stanford University and the University of Oxford.

Awarded the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Leadership Award 2016. Founder of Internet/ICT Civil Society Organizations, including two Internet Society Chapters.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Mohamed EL Bashir on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Reshaping Cyberspace: Beyond the Emerging Online Mercenaries and the Aftermath of SolarWinds

Ahmed Mansoor is an internationally recognized human rights defender based in the Middle East and recipient of the Martin Ennals Award (sometimes referred to as a "Nobel Prize for human rights"), On August 10 and 11, 2016, Mansoor received an SMS text messages on his iPhone promising "new secrets" about detainees tortured if he clicked on an included link. Instead of clicking, Mansoor sent the messages to the Canadian Citizen Lab researchers. more

Encryption, Our Last Line of Defense

Encryption is fundamental to our daily life. Practically everything we do online makes use of encryption is some form. Access to our financial transactions, health records, government services, and exchanged private messages are all protected by strong encryption. Encryption is the process of changing the information in such a way as to make it unreadable by anyone except for those possessing special knowledge (usually referred to as a "key"), which allows them to change the information back to its original, readable form. more

Africa Infrastructure Growth Supporting ccTLDs and New gTLD Growth

This month, France Telecom's Lower Indian Ocean Network 2 "LION2" fiber optic cable has been put in service, bringing the total number of cables in East Africa to four. In South Africa it is expecting West Africa Cable System to go live next month. This huge growth in fiber optic cables connecting Africa means that bandwidth costs can go further down but there are many questions for internet service providers, regulators and policy makers... more

TAS Outage Shows Tech Errors Can Happen in Any Organization

Last week, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) was forced to extend the deadline for the new gTLD application to April 20th, after the application system crashed and the technical issue which enabled some applicants to see file names and user names that belonged to other applicants. ... ICANN's decision to extend the deadline is reasonable in the circumstances. more