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Akash Kapur

Joined on June 14, 2003
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Akash Kapur is a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, completing a PhD (law) on regulating universal access to ICTs. He is also a Squadron Fellow in media law at Cardozo Law School (New York), and writes for publications like The New York Times, The Atlantic Monthly, Wired, and Salon. His involvement with ICANN dates back to the original at-large elections, when he organized an outreach program in India; he also works as a consultant on ICANN and other matters of ICT regulation. To visit Akash Kapur’s website go to

Featured Blogs

ICANN and the Developing World: Examining The Outreach Program

Shravanti Reddy?s recent piece draws attention to an important issue that has nagged at ICANN ever since the ill-fated at large elections, when participants from the developed world greatly outnumbered those from the developing world. This imbalance was somewhat mitigated by the regional delineation of candidates, but it nonetheless raised two important questions that have yet to be settled:

First, how can ICANN (and, more generally, Internet governance) be more inclusive of developing countries? And second (less often asked, but perhaps even more important): Why should developing countries care about ICANN -- i.e., why does the answer to the first question even matter? This article discusses some recent developments related to the first question; a later article will consider some specific reasons why ICANN matters to the developing world. more

Why ICANN Needs Fresh Blood: A Deeper View

I grew up in a utopian community in India.

I make this statement -- which may seem at best tangential to an article on the DNS -- at the outset because it suggests that I know something about ideology and ideologically charged debates.

Like the town where I grew up, the Internet was the product of dreamers, people who believed in the possibility of surmounting reality. In Code, Lessig compared early Internet euphoria to the euphoria that met the downfall of communism. He could just as well have compared it to the utopianism that accompanied the birth of communism. The point is that Internet pioneers were inspired by ideology, by a fervor to change the world. more

United Nations vs. ICANN: One ccTLD At A Time

What happens if ICANN fails? Who will run the DNS then?

Of course to many, ICANN already has failed -- spectacularly so. Critics have long complained that ICANN not only lacks accountability and legitimacy, but also that it is inefficient (at best) and downright destructive (at worst). According to these critics, ICANN's many sins include threatening the stability of the Internet, limiting access by imposing an artificial domain name scarcity, and generally behaving like a petulant dictator. more

Topic Interests

DNSPrivacyNew TLDsDomain NamesCybersecurityPolicy & RegulationInternet GovernanceRegional RegistriesICANN

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United Nations vs. ICANN: One ccTLD At A Time

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