Michael Twist

Michael Twist

Chief Marketing Officer at dotHIV
Joined on November 3, 2010
Total Post Views: 27,092


Michael is the Chief Marketing Officer for dotHIV. He has been involved in International Marketing for the last 10 years and most recently for 5 years within the Domain Name Industry. Having worked with registries, registrars and new gTLD applicants alike he has a unique perspective within the industry across Asia/Pacific, Europe, US and Africa.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Michael Twist on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Can New TLDs Actually Co-Exist?

The new TLD program was a long time coming and now we have over 600 options for domain name endings, with more on the way. It made sense to a lot of people that options other than the already crowded .com space were needed but did we really envisage the plethora of ultimately "similar" TLDs that would rise from the ICANN process? more

Munich’s New Domains Conference Reveals Urgency to Act Now

Whoever said there wasn't enough room in Munich this time of year for anything but the mighty Oktoberfest clearly underestimated the draw of the new Top-Level Domain Program and the interest within Europe. The NewDomains.org conference held in Munich over the past two days confirmed three important insights for me; one: there is a large audience of brands and entrepreneurs who still have little awareness about the new Top-Level Domain program; two: those that are aware of the program and would like to participate are seriously behind schedule in preparing their application and strategy to submit to ICANN during the application window from 12 January to 12 April 2012. more

Big Business Has Been Using the New TLD Concept for Years

By now we've all had a chance to digest the concept around the new TLD program and in some cases even come up with our own amazing ideas for the next .com or a niche TLD that will make us millionaires overnight! Well maybe some of us have... Others are taking a far more practical approach to the exciting new changes to the Internet and how it will be adopted and used, in particular within the corporate arena. more

Topic Interests

New TLDsDomain NamesWebRegistry ServicesICANN

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Can New TLDs Actually Co-Exist?

Big Business Has Been Using the New TLD Concept for Years

Munich’s New Domains Conference Reveals Urgency to Act Now