kc claffy

kc claffy

Director, CAIDA and Adjunct Professor, UC, San Diego
Joined on August 17, 2011
Total Post Views: 21,414


Dr. Kimberly Claffy is Director of the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA), a collaborative undertaking among organizations in the commercial, government, and research sectors aimed at promoting greater cooperation in the engineering and maintenance of a robust, scalable global Internet infrastructure. She is also Adjunct Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at UC, San Diego. She leads Internet research projects funded by the Department of Homeland Security and the National Science Foundation. She serves on the Technical Advisory Council of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. She also serves on two advisory committees to ICANN: the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) and Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC).

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by kc claffy on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Correlation Between Country Governance Regimes & Reputation of Their Internet Address Allocations

We recently analyzed the reputation of a country's Internet (IPv4) addresses by examining the number of blacklisted IPv4 addresses that geolocate to a given country. We compared this indicator with two qualitative measures of each country's governance. We hypothesized that countries with more transparent, democratic governmental institutions would harbor a smaller fraction of misbehaving (blacklisted) hosts. The available data confirms this hypothesis. A similar correlation exists between perceived corruption and fraction of blacklisted IP addresses. more

Underneath the Hood: Ownership vs. Stewardship of the Internet

As is well known to most CircleID readers - but importantly, not to most other Internet users - in March 2011, ICANN knowingly and purposefully embraced an unprecedented policy that will encourage filtering, blocking, and/or redirecting entire virtual neighborhoods, i.e., "top-level domains" (TLDs). Specifically, ICANN approved the creation of the ".XXX" suffix, intended for pornography websites. Although the owner of the new .XXX TLD deems a designated virtual enclave for morally controversial material to be socially beneficial for the Internet, this claim obfuscates the dangers such a policy creates under the hood. more