Timothy Denton

Timothy Denton

lawyer, former national regulator (CRTC)
Joined on September 29, 2003
Total Post Views: 61,941


Timothy Denton is a lawyer and former National Commissioner of the CRTC, the federal broadcast and telecoms regulator.  He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the American Registry of Internet Numbers. He lives in Ottawa, Canada. He works on telecommunications policy, domain names, next-generation 9-1-1 and addressing policy. He practices with Philip Palmer, a former federal lawyer with the Department of Justice. Together they constitute the Windermere Group.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Timothy Denton on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2017 - Apr 25 on Canada's Telecom Regulator to Uphold and Strengthen Commitment to Net Neutrality
2015 - Jun 06 on FIFA and the Perils of No Accountability
2015 - Mar 10 on Your App Is Increasingly Paranoid
2015 - Mar 03 on A History of Disruptors: Or How the U.S. Government Saved the Internet from the Telcos
2015 - Mar 02 on Could Net Neutrality be to Investments in the Internet What AT&T's Regulation was to Bell Labs?
2015 - Mar 02 on A History of Disruptors: Or How the U.S. Government Saved the Internet from the Telcos
2005 - Nov 07 on You Paid to Join; You Can Leave Anytime
2005 - Mar 25 on Whither WGIG?

Topic Interests

DNSCensorshipInternet GovernanceICANNPolicy & RegulationTelecomNet NeutralityLawMobile InternetNew TLDsInternet ProtocolSpamEmailNetworksAccess Providers

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You Paid to Join; You Can Leave Anytime

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FIFA and the Perils of No Accountability

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