Rand Noel

Rand Noel

Owner of Shieldwolf Security
Joined on October 5, 2003
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Went from a mom & pop computer repair business to a mom & pop Computer Security businees hoping to snatch the golden ring and become a major player in the progression and evolution of internet security. Doing all that and still maintaining the integrity of the biggest reason WWW even exists; to increase the knowledge of the world’s population, and thereby freeing ourselves for higher goals than a 9 to 5 tick tock or poverty stricken lifestyle that enslaves the most wonderful computer in the world——The Human Mind


2003 - Oct 05 on Why Site Finder is Breaking MS Outlook & Windows Networking Utilities
2003 - Oct 05 on Reaction to VeriSign's New 36-Hour Deadline

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DNSDomain NamesNew TLDsCybersecurityPolicy & RegulationRegistry ServicesICANNThreat Intelligence

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