Janine Goodman

Janine Goodman

Vice President and Co-founder at Avenue4 LLC
Joined on March 12, 2013
Total Post Views: 84,978


Janine Goodman is Vice President and co-founder of Avenue4 LLC. Janine advises clients on their purchase and sale of IPv4 assets, with an emphasis on helping clients navigate applicable regional Internet registry policies when structuring and executing their transactions. Prior to co-founding Avenue4, Janine spent 18 years representing Fortune 500 companies, both as lead negotiator for large domestic and global telecommunications and technology service and product procurements and as a key advisor regarding dispute resolution and day-to-day strategy and contract management.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Janine Goodman on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


Topic Interests

IPv6 Transition IPv4 Markets

Recent Blogs

The 2023 IPv4 Market in North America

The 2022 IPv4 Market in North America

The IPv4 Market in 2021

The 2019 IPv4 Market: Mid-Year Report

The IPv4 Market Runs on All Cylinders in 2018

Popular Posts

The IPv4 Market - 2018 Mid-Year Report

The IPv4 Market: 2017 and Beyond

The IPv4 Market - Looking Back and Forward

The 2019 IPv4 Market: Mid-Year Report

The 2018 IPv4 Market: Third Quarter Report