Don Blumenthal

Don Blumenthal

Joined on August 1, 2013
Total Post Views: 19,852


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Featured Blogs

It’s Time for Privacy Progress in ICANN

Privacy issues have been important to parts of the ICANN community for many years. I can attest to that fact as a long time veteran of Whois debates as far back as 1998 when I was with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. However, they have started to receive the general ICANN community visibility only relatively recently. These efforts must continue in order to protect rights, to avoid increasing potential conflicts between ICANN rules and applicable laws, and to generally maintain trust in the Internet as a place to be. more

The World of Internet Threats Is Constantly Changing

The world of Internet threats has changed continually over the years. From the time that a "worm" first showed up in the wild, or whenever someone penetrated a system without authorization for the first time, various forms of attacks and malware have presented dangers to the system and those who use it. Different vectors have received varied focus over the years... Many parts of the Internet community have been involved in addressing relevant issues and fostering efforts to combat them. more

Topic Interests

New TLDsCybersecurityRegistry ServicesCyberattackMalwareDDoS AttackThreat IntelligenceWhoisPrivacy

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The World of Internet Threats Is Constantly Changing

It’s Time for Privacy Progress in ICANN