Rehan Jalil

Rehan Jalil

Chief Executive Officer at Elastica
Joined on January 21, 2015
Total Post Views: 12,320


Rehan Jalil, Chief Executive Officer at Elastica, the leading provider of data science powered cloud security applications to businesses throughout the United States.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Rehan Jalil on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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7 Tips to Boost BYOD Security

The bring-your-own-device (BYOD) trend continues to make corporate inroads. According to Security Intelligence, more than 60 percent of enterprises now allow or "tolerate" employee mobile device use in the workplace. But companies still have significant security concerns, especially when it comes to the specter of lost data. Here are seven tips to boost BYOD security in 2015. more

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CybersecurityMobile InternetThreat Intelligence

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7 Tips to Boost BYOD Security