Thomas Bayhan

Thomas Bayhan

Program Manager at TrainACE
Joined on June 10, 2016
Total Post Views: 9,367


Thomas Bayhan is the program manager at TrainACE, an established IT training and certification organization offering training in both the private and government sector.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Thomas Bayhan on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Ethical Hacking: Turning The Tables to Boost Cyber Security

Hacking remains a huge problem for businesses. As noted by MarketWatch, more than 175 data breaches have already happened this year, and in 2015 approximately 105 million adults in the United States had their personal information stolen. For companies, the stakes are huge: Compromised systems not only damage the bottom line but can severely impact public opinion. more

Topic Interests

CybersecurityCyberattackCybercrimeNetworksThreat Intelligence

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Ethical Hacking: Turning The Tables to Boost Cyber Security