Roderick Fanou

Roderick Fanou

Postdoctoral Scholar at CAIDA
Joined on December 21, 2020
Total Post Views: 11,881


I worked as a Network Engineer and a Computer Scientist in Africa, Europe, and in North America over the last decade, while meeting other cultures, sharpening my skillsets, and nurturing my growth mindset. I enjoy analyzing the Internet architecture, measuring its growth, or using data to shape its performance/future and help provide connectivity anytime, anywhere, on any device and for all. I thus built over 9+ years experience a strong technical background in designing and implementing systems/software for network monitoring, internet measurements, systems design, big data analysis and real-time storage.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Roderick Fanou on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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Unintended Consequences of Submarine Cable Deployment on Internet Routing

The network layer of the Internet routes packets regardless of the underlying communication media (Wifi, cellular telephony, satellites, or optical fiber). The underlying physical infrastructure of the Internet includes a mesh of submarine cables, generally shared by network operators who purchase capacity from the cable owners. As of late 2020, over 400 submarine cables interconnect continents worldwide and constitute the oceanic backbone of the Internet. more

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