Semra Körner

Semra Körner

Manager Global PR & Communication at Sedo
Joined on February 23, 2022
Total Post Views: 156,338


Semra Körner has been working for Sedo since 2004. As company spokesperson, she is responsible for PR/Communication and content marketing on a global level. She initially gained her knowledge of the domain industry from the ground up in the sales team, which enabled her to build up the PR and content marketing department and expand them internationally.


Topic Interests

LawNew TLDsDomain NamesInternet GovernanceRegistry ServicesICANNWebDomain ManagementArtificial Intelligence

Recent Blogs

Despite Voice and AI Hype: the Domain Name Remains Crucial in Marketing

Domain Marketing for Powerful Branding

Digital Identity and Branding: The Five Most Common Mistakes in Naming

Less is More – The Sales Boom in Short Character Domain Names

Getting gTLDs Into the Marketing Mix

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