Javier Rúa-Jovet

Javier Rúa-Jovet

ccNSO Councilor
Joined on September 29, 2023
Total Post Views: 6,612


Javier Rúa-Jovet, is a former Puerto Rican public servant and telecoms regulator currently focusing on public policy advocacy in the ICT and renewable energy spaces.

Rúa-Jovet has held multiple positions in Puerto Rico’s government, including Deputy Secretary of the Department of Natural & Environmental Resources (2006-2008), Chairman of the Environmental Quality Board (2008) and more recently, Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Board (2013-2016), post to which he was confirmed with tri-partisan support in the Senate.

Rúa-Jovet has also held and today holds distinguished transnational posts in ICT and Internet Governance, namely chairman of the Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators (REGULATEL) (2015), which included 23 utility regulators from the Americas, as well as Italy, Portugal and Spain, was a member of the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN), the global multi-stakeholder entity that governs Domain Name System (DNS) & Internet Protocol (IP) policymaking, and is now Council Member of the ccNSO (Country Codes Names Supporting Organization) at ICANN, representing the North America region.

Rúa-Jovet earned a JD from the University of Puerto Rico School of Law, an LLM from George Washington University National Law Center & a BA from Boston College. He has multiple publications on diverse topics, from environmental policy and history to public international law, as well as ICT and energy policy.

Rúa-Jovet is a Numerary of the Puerto Rican Academy of Jurisprudence and Law.

Featured Blogs

An Equal Seat at the Table: My Journey Into Multi-Stakeholder Internet Governance at ICANN 53

ICANN 53, in beautiful Buenos Aires, was the first time I experienced multi-stakeholder Internet governance Back then, I represented, as chair, the Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators (REGULATEL), an observer org in GAC. I remember my amazement... more

Topic Interests

Internet GovernanceICANN

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