Dimitris Dimitriadis

Dimitris Dimitriadis

Investigative Journalist & Researcher
Joined on December 7, 2023
Total Post Views: 17,646


Dimitris Dimitriadis is an investigative journalist and researcher. His investigations have been featured in the Times, the Washington Post, openDemocracy and credited by various other titles included the Guardian. He writes about financial scams and researches coordinated inauthentic behaviour on social media platforms.

Featured Blogs

Can We Get More Eyes on Britain’s Largest Scam “Watch List”?

The FCA has been naming and shaming financial scam domains for decades. Its "warning list" is probably one the most extensive databases of its kind. But does it do a good enough job of actually warning people? Let us begin with the FCA website, which would not exactly get full points for user-friendliness: locating the "watch list" is a task in and of itself, to say nothing of consulting and scrutinising it. more

Topic Interests

Domain NamesCybersecurityCybercrime

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