Policy & Regulation

Policy & Regulation / Industry Updates

Melinda Clem Named i2Coalition Chair Elect for 2019

The i2Coalition has announced the results of its 2019 elections for the Board of Directors and Board leadership roles. As previously planned, current i2Coalition Chair Elect, Cheval Capital President Frank Stiff, will replace outgoing Board Chair Michele Neylon and serve as i2Coalition's Board Chair for 2019. more

i2Coalition Releases Statement On Australian Encryption Law Passing

On December 6th, the Australian Internet Parliament formally passed the "Assistance and Access Bill." This package includes a series of provisions which require tech firms to help the country's security agencies bypass encrypted communications in their systems. more

Neustar and usTLD Stakeholder Council to Hold .US Town Hall Live Webcast

The Town Hall will provide an opportunity for the community to hear from the .US team on the 2018 developments and for community discussions on how to build and grow the .US domain to meet the demands of the future. more

Hundreds of Millions of Dollars at Stake as .COM Price Freeze Set to Expire

Verisign, the company granted exclusive rights to issue .com domains, is expected to request a price increase for .com domains when its current 'price cap' agreement with the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) expires on November 30, 2018. Will NTIA impose a price increase on millions of Internet users to further enrich Verisign, "The Most Profitable Company You've Never Heard Of", which is already enjoying huge windfall profits? more

Frank Stiff Appointed Director and 2019 Board Chair Elect of the i2Coalition

The i2Coalition has announced that Frank Stiff, President, and Co-Founder of Cheval Capital, has been appointed to its Board of Directors, and named Chair Elect. Mr. Stiff's position as Chair Elect became effective on immediately. He will assume his role as Board Chair on January 1st, 2019 and hold the office throughout the year. Until that time, Mr. Stiff will work with current Board Chair Michele Neylon. Mr. Stiff's full term on the Board of Directors will last until 2021. more

i2Coalition Supports Open Internet and Multistakeholder Model in Comments to NTIA

The i2Coalition responded to a request for comments on International Internet policy. We appreciated the opportunity to continue our advocacy for the multistakeholder model of Internet governance and a free, open Internet. more

i2Coalition Hires Policy Director, Monica Sanders

The i2Coalition announces the hiring of Policy Director, Monica Sanders. Monica will coordinate i2Coalition work on the policy initiatives chosen for focus by the member-led i2Coalition Working Groups. more

eco/i2Coalition Update Webinar on ICANN Contracted Party GDPR Compliance

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has presented several data models to its contracted parties regarding their contractual arrangements with ICANN and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). more

Afilias to Support ICANN Community Response to the EU’s GDPR

Afilias today announced that it is temporarily suspending plans to limit the display of WHOIS data to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) currently scheduled to take effect on 25 May, 2018. more

i2Coalition Focuses on Intermediary Liability Issues

We are announcing that we are forming a new ad hoc group to handle policy issues arising in regards to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and other related intermediary liability concerns. more