Policy & Regulation

Policy & Regulation / News Briefs

UK Government Releases New Cyber Security Standard for Self-Driving Vehicles

UK government today announced the release of a new cyber security standard for self-driving vehicles. Funded by the Department for Transport, the British Standards Institute has developed the guidance to set a marker for those developing self-driving car technologies. more

US Tech Firm Cloudflare Accused of Providing Cybersecurity Services to Foreign Terrorist Groups

Leading American tech firm Cloudflare has been accused of providing cybersecurity services to at least seven designated foreign terrorist organizations and militant groups including Taliban, al-Shabab and Hamas. more

The Internet Society Names Former ICANN Board Member Rinalia Abdul Rahim as Senior Vice President

Abdul Rahim's Internet governance experience spans over 20 years and most recently she served on the Board of Directors for the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). more

Facebook Used VPN App to Collect Competitive Data on App Usage, According to Reports on Leaked Docs

U.K. Parliament today released 250 pages of internal emails between Facebook and other tech companies regarding accessing user data through the social network's system. more

Microsoft’s New Study Reports Over 162 Million in US Lack Broadband, FCC Says Only 24.7 Million

A new study by Microsoft researchers suggests the actual use of high-speed internet across the US is quite different than those of from the FCC. more

Paris Cyber Agreement Has Grown to More Than 450 Signatories

The "Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace," announced by French President at the Paris Peace Forum on November 13, has attracted more than 450 signatories. more

Kaspersky Loses Appeal Against US Government Ban of Its Security Software

A federal appeals court in Washington, D.C. has upheld the federal government’s ban on anti-virus software from the Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab. more

NTIA Releases Cybersecurity Road Map for “Building a More Resilient Internet”

U.S. Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security have released a road map setting out steps to stop the cyber threat to nations internet infrastructure, announced NTIA. more

US, European Consumer Groups Call on FTC to Investigate Google for Deceptive Tracking of Users

Over 75 consumer groups in U.S. and Europe have asked the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate Google for unfairly and deceptively manipulating users of mobile phones with its Android operating system by constantly tracking location. A letter sent to the FTC by the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD), a forum of US and EU consumer organizations, says Google manipulates users into constant location tracking. more

U.S. Government Trying to Persuade Allied Countries to Avoid Telecom Equipment from China’s Huawei

The U.S. government is engaged in persuading wireless and internet providers in allied countries to stop using telecommunications equipment from China's Huawei Technologies. more

FCC to Classify Text Messaging as Information Service to Fight Spam Texts, Others Oppose the Move

The FCC has unveiled two proposals as part of its plan to help reduce unwanted phone and text spam however the move is challenged by consumer advocacy groups. more

France to Stop Using Google as Part of Its Plan to Establish Digital Sovereignty

The 2013 NSA revelations by the American whistleblower Edward Snowden was a stern wake call for French politicians. more

EU Should Not Be Setting US WHOIS and Privacy Policy, Says MPAA

The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) in its recent submission to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has raised a stern objection regarding ICANN's attempt to adhere to the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), stating that the temporary specification had gone "well beyond what the GDPR mandates." more

SpaceX Wins FCC Approval to Deploy 7,518 Satellites for Broadband Communications

Space Exploration Technologies Corp. is granted permission from U.S. regulators to deploy over 7,000 satellites. more

US, Russia and China Stay Out of Paris International Cybersecurity Pact

US, China and Russia have refused to sign the French-backed agreement, Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace, announced by French President at the UNESCO Internet Governance Forum (IGF) on Monday. more