

The State of Phishing

Over the last three years, the Anti-Phishing Working Group's semiannual Global Phishing Survey has become a widely cited source of information about the state of phishing and its place in the Internet landscape. Afilias' Director of Domain Security, Greg Aaron, has been co-authoring these reports with Rod Rasmussen of Internet Identity, with the goal to show the community what phishers are doing and how anti-abuse measures are effective. more

AusRegistry International to provide assistance in launching Arabic Internationalised Domain Names

AusRegistry International has today announced that it has been selected by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) of the United Arab Emirates to provide expert assistance and advice in support of the implementation of the Arabic ??????. (.emarat) Internationalised Domain Name (IDN) country-code Top Level Domain (ccTLD). more

AusRegistry International Celebrates the First .emarat Domain Name

AusRegistry International is pleased to announce the entry of the .emarat IDN ccTLD into the DNS Root Zone and the achievement of a major project milestone for the organisation. more

AusRegistry International Partners with Japanese Corporate Registrar, Brights Consulting

In a major coup for Domain Name Registry Services operator AusRegistry International, it was today announced that they have been selected by leading Japanese corporate Domain Name and trademark organisation Brights Consulting, to provide backend Domain Name Registry Services for corporate clients seeking to obtain their own .brand TLD in ICANN's upcoming release of new Top Level Domains (TLD). more

New TLD Application Tip: Learning from History to Estimate New TLD Volume

Although the market has never seen hundreds of new Top-Level Domains (TLDs) launched in rapid succession, it has experienced many new TLD launches, and each applicant should study these as they develop their volume estimates. more

Web Server 911: Wikipedia SNAFU Indicates Need for DNS Monitoring and Failover

On March 24, online encyclopedia giant Wikipedia went offline for more than 2 hours because of an overheating problem in one of their data centers. Even though they had had a DNS failover procedure, it was broken. The result: millions of users could not access Wikipedia for hours. more

Preventing Your DNS Account from Being Hacked

Recent years have brought a plague of attacks targeting your ability to do business online. Whether in the form of distributed denial of service attack (DDoS), spam, phishing, or Facebook and Twitter scams. Likely the most disturbing issue for e-commerce organizations has been the growing prevalence of DDoS attacks waged to interrupt their business, or worse, to extort money. more

.ORG, The Public Interest Registry Celebrates Its 25th Year With 8 Million Registrations

With a growth of 8.4 percent in 2009, the domain has officially cemented its place as the world's third largest generic Top Level Domain (gTLD), according to the organization's bi-annual "Dashboard" report. more

.ORG: Introducing Fully Internationalized Domain Names

ICANN is on a path to introduce new top level domains. At .ORG, The Public Interest Registry, we are considering this an opportunity to introduce fully internationalized domain names (IDN), bringing our long-standing best practices of managing the .ORG registry to advance the use of the Internet across the globe. more

.ORG to Fully Deploy DNSSEC in June

.ORG, The Public Interest Registry (PIR) announces plans to complete the final step to realizing full DNSSEC deployment in the .ORG registry by accepting second level signed .ORG zones beginning in June of 2010. This positions .ORG as the first generic top-level domain (TLD) to offer full DNSSEC deployment. more

.ORG Registrations in 2009 Grew 8.4 Percent Over Previous Year

.ORG, The Public Interest Registry today released the results of its second bi-annual domain name report, "The Dashboard"; by the close of the year, the total number of domains under management was almost 8 million - an increase of 8.4 percent since 2008. more

City TLDs: First Things First

More and more geographic locations or cities are seeing merit in new gTLDs -- and it's not just the leading cities of the world who are applying. So far, a combination of 34 continents (Africa, regions (Venetia - .vtn), countries (Scotland - .sco), territories (Yorkshire - .yks), provinces (Leon - .lli), states (Bavaria - .bayern) and cities (London - .london) have announced their intention to bid when ICANN opens its applications. more