

Protecting Intellectual Property Protects Consumers

Next week we will celebrate World IP Day. Observed annually on the 26th of April, World IP Day was created by WIPO in 2000 to highlight the critical role that intellectual property plays in our daily lives and in society as a whole. more

“Voltswagen”: April Fool’s Prank, Brand Turmoil, and Bulk Domain Registrations

The accidental leak of Volkswagen's new name that turned out to be an April Fool's prank made headlines. Some were relieved that it was just a marketing stunt, while others cried foul. But those in the field of cybersecurity became more curious. What did the cyber world look like during the supposed leakage until the announcement that it was a prank? more

Leasing IPv4 Addresses in the Dawn of the New Internet Era

Increased use of internet services, broader application of IoT devices, and COVID-related shift to remote work are just a few factors accelerating the transition to the new era of the Internet. However, the current network architecture is falling behind the imposed expectations to support new-age integrations, leaving one to wonder if the gap will close up any time soon. more

What Are the Common Forms of Bulk Domain & Typosquatting Registrations?

Typosquatting can enable a variety of cyber threats that include but are not limited to phishing, malware-enabled attacks, and vulnerability exploitation. In a nutshell, the attackers can rely on the technique to mimic legitimate solution and service providers' domains to trick users into thinking they are getting update notifications from their vendors, for example, when they are actually not. more

Together for the Good of the Internet: eco Complaints Office Registers More Reports Than Ever Before

For 25 years, the Complaints Office of eco -- Association of the Internet Industry has been successfully combatting illegal content on the Internet. The 2020 report now available shows that the independent hotline is making a significant contribution to the take-down and criminal investigation of illegal content. more

We Detected and Analyzed Thousands of CCTV-, Firewall-, and SCADA-themed Domains & Subdomains

Did you know that a comprehensive subdomain database can give you 69,383 fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) with the string "firewall," 241,654 FQDNs for "cctv," and 19,048 FQDNs for "scada"? That data can give cybersecurity researchers possible starting points for an article or even a full-blown research paper. more

DNS Over HTTPS: Spanish Version of eco Discussion Paper on DoH Available

Throughout the history of the Internet, traditional DNS traffic - for example, when a user types a website name into a browser - has largely been unencrypted. The DNS over HTTPS (DoH) protocol, which first emerged in 2018, makes use of the well-known secure HTTPS web protocol to change that. more

How Reverse IP Lookup API Can Help Detect Connected Domains

In 2020, reports say 94% of malware were delivered via email. Phishing remains a threat, as it accounts for more than 80% of security incidents that can cost victims almost US$18,000 per minute. more

MarkMonitor Releases New gTLD Quarterly Report for Q1 2021

The Q1 2021 New gTLD Quarterly Report from our MarkMonitor team examines .kpmg usage, new gTLD rankings, recent launch analyses, and potential policy effects on .brand 'next round' applicants. more

Come April, Nothing Is Certain Except Phishing and Taxes

In the past years, threat actors have made it a point to prey on U.S. taxpayers using phishing emails supposedly from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The goal is often to trick victims into giving their login credentials to various platforms. This year is no different. more

90-Day Digital Certificate Life Cycles: Get Ahead of the Curve Now

In August 2020, we wrote an article on preparing for the reduction of certificate life cycles from two years to one. Discussions continue, and given the push for shorter certificate terms by the CA/B Forum - in particular the browsers - we predict the move to lower certificate life cycles will continue, and that terms will be reduced to 90 days within the next 24 months. more

Expanding the List of Artifacts for the Recent JPMorgan Chase Squatting Campaign

On 13 March, IBM X-Force Exchange published nine artifacts -- three domain names and six IP addresses -- related to a squatting campaign targeting JPMorgan Chase and its stakeholders. We dug deeper into the list in hopes of publicizing additional artifacts that users may need to be wary of. more