Ali Farshchian

Ali Farshchian

Founder & Editor
Joined on August 7, 2002
Total Post Views: 54,530


Ali Farshchian is the creator of CircleID, founded after conducting several years of research on technical, legal, and regulatory issues that have branched out of the Internet’s core infrastructure. Ali’s active involvement with the Internet dates back to 1991 during which he worked on various commercial and academic projects related to Internet based applications, software development, database design, publishing and collaborative online platforms. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in Computing Science from Simon Fraser University.

Ali has a keen interest and extensive experience in developing online communities and the collaborative web. He has played a key role in developing CircleID into what is now globally recognized as a leading online destination for the Internet infrastructure.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Ali Farshchian on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

ICANN Turning 25 - Share Your Memories!

This month marks the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). A quarter of a century ago, on September 30, 1998, ICANN was officially incorporated as a California non-profit corporation. To commemorate this landmark event, ICANN will be hosting celebrations during ICANN78 in Hamburg, Germany, 21-26 October. more

ICANN’s 20th Anniversary Blog Collection

In the weeks leading up to ICANN63, CircleID in collaboration with ICANN invited community members to send their thoughts reflecting on the early days of ICANN and some of the points over the last 20 years that stand out in their memory. And the response was tremendous! Thank you, everyone, for your responses and thoughtful contributions. Below you will find the collection of blogs that we have featured in past weeks. Enjoy! more

ICANN Turning 20 - Your Thoughts?

As most you might know, this year marks the 20th anniversary of the formation of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). The organization was officially incorporated as a California non-profit corporation on September 30, 1998. ICANN plans to mark its 20th anniversary during ICANN63 in Barcelona, 20-25 October 2018. In response to a request from the organization, leading up to ICANN63, CircleID will host a series of blogs written by community members... more

Exploring the Roots of Wireless Spectrum Controversy (eComm Panel)

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to attend the The Emerging Communications (eComm) 2009 conference in San Francisco which was packed with 3 days of fascinating conversations about the future of communications. I absolutely enjoyed talking to various speakers and attendees giving me a deep level of appreciation and perspective on technical, commercial and political issues at hand -- and what is likely to come in the next few years. And speaking of politics, Lee Dryburgh, who founded eComm in early 2008, has generously allowed us to share with you a fascinating panel discussion which took place on day 3 of the conference called "Spectrum 2.0 - What's really happening?" more