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Tom Cross

Director of Security Research
Joined on June 16, 2004
Total Post Views: 30,713


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DNS WHOIS: Barking Up the Wrong Tree

As the Internet has grown and matured, it has become obvious to everyone involved that the DNS Whois system, as it currently exists, is not a sustainable way to share contact information for resolving network problems. ICANN, in an attempt to save DNS Whois, has plunged head long into the process of developing new policies aimed at fixing it. While I respect all of the hard work that has gone into this process, the results thus far have only made it clearer that this system faces intractable problems. more

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DNSWhoisPrivacy IPv4 MarketsDomain NamesCybersecurityPolicy & RegulationICANNThreat IntelligenceNew TLDsSpamLawRegistry ServicesCyberattack

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DNS WHOIS: Barking Up the Wrong Tree