Bill Nussey

Bill Nussey

CEO & Auhtor
Joined on February 28, 2005
Total Post Views: 56,251


Bill Nussey’s long history with email began with his role as CEO of Da Vinci Systems, a pioneer in personal computer electronic mail. Over its ten-year history, Da Vinci sold more than 3 million licenses in 45 countries. In 1994, Nussey sold Da Vinci to Boston-based ON Technology.

Nussey then spent several years in venture capital with Greylock Management where he was involved with the funding of DoubleClick, MediaMetrix and several other early leaders in online marketing. Nussey left Greylock to become President and, later, CEO of one of Greylock’s portfolio companies, iXL. During Nussey’s 3-year tenure, iXL executed its initial public offering, grew revenues ten-fold, added several thousand employees and provided consulting services to hundreds of Global 1000 organizations.

While at iXL, Nussey was named “The Most Influential Consultant” in the world by Consulting Magazine. In 2000, Nussey left iXL and joined the email marketing industry as the CEO of Silverpop. In late 2003, Nussey embarked on a unique project in his career and began writing a book—The Quiet Revolution in Email Marketing.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Bill Nussey on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


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