Gadi Evron

Gadi Evron

Security Strategist
Joined on February 22, 2006
Total Post Views: 634,048


Gadi Evron is recognized for his work and leadership in Internet security operations and is arguably the world’s top expert on botnets. He is also considered an expert on corporate security, counterespionage and cyber crime (e-fraud and phishing). Previously, Gadi was CISO at the Israeli government ISP (eGovernment project) and founded the Israeli Government CERT. He organizes and chairs worldwide conferences, vetted working groups and task forces. Gadi authored two books on information security and is a frequent lecturer.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Gadi Evron on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2010 - Jan 15 on China Hacks Google, Etc.
2009 - Dec 30 on Spymaster Sees Israel As World Cyberwar Leader
2009 - Nov 14 on China: Is It Our Cyber Defense Red Herring?
2009 - Nov 13 on The Story of Conficker and the Industry Response
2008 - Oct 30 on ICANN Sends Termination Notice to Registrar
2008 - Oct 30 on Phishing Registrar Accounts: eNom is First Target
2008 - Oct 29 on Phishing Registrar Accounts: eNom is First Target
2008 - Oct 29 on Phishing Registrar Accounts: eNom is First Target
2008 - Sep 26 on Estonian Cyber Security Strategy Document: Translated and Public
2008 - Sep 26 on Internet Vigilantism
2008 - Aug 08 on Email Portability, DKIM, and Socio-Political Implications on Tech Development
2008 - Aug 07 on Email Portability, DKIM, and Socio-Political Implications on Tech Development
2007 - Dec 01 on An Internet Security Operations Viewpoint of IGF
2007 - Nov 28 on An Internet Security Operations Viewpoint of IGF
2007 - Nov 23 on An Internet Security Operations Viewpoint of IGF
2007 - Nov 23 on An Internet Security Operations Viewpoint of IGF
2007 - Nov 22 on An Internet Security Operations Viewpoint of IGF
2007 - Nov 22 on An Internet Security Operations Viewpoint of IGF
2007 - Apr 03 on Put Security Alongside .XXX
2006 - Nov 22 on P2P as a New Spam Medium, Moving From PoC to Full Operations
2006 - Oct 07 on ICANN Ordered by Illinois Court to Suspend
2006 - Sep 19 on .MS: Alternate Root and Monoculture as Good Things
2006 - Sep 19 on .MS: Alternate Root and Monoculture as Good Things
2006 - Sep 19 on .MS: Alternate Root and Monoculture as Good Things
2006 - Sep 19 on .MS: Alternate Root and Monoculture as Good Things
2006 - Sep 19 on .MS: Alternate Root and Monoculture as Good Things
2006 - Sep 19 on .MS: Alternate Root and Monoculture as Good Things
2006 - Jul 07 on Why Senator Stevens is Right on Net Neutrality
2006 - Jul 06 on Net Neutrality Is As Silly As So-Called Internet Governance
2006 - Mar 01 on China's New Domain Names: Lost in Translation
2006 - Mar 01 on Chinese Alternate Root as a New Beginning and Real Internet Governance
2006 - Mar 01 on Chinese Alternate Root as a New Beginning and Real Internet Governance
2006 - Mar 01 on China's New Domain Names: Lost in Translation
2006 - Mar 01 on China's New Domain Names: Lost in Translation

Topic Interests

DNSCybersecuritySpamCyberattackCybercrimeDDoS AttackThreat IntelligenceInternet GovernanceICANNLawP2PTelecomEmailCensorshipPolicy & RegulationNet NeutralityNew TLDsDomain NamesMalwareNetworksBroadbandPrivacyAccess Providers IPv4 MarketsRegional RegistriesWhoisWebBrand ProtectionIPv6 TransitionDNS SecurityData Center

Recent Blogs

Google as DNS, Wikileaks as PoC

Email Portability Approved by Knesset Committee

Chuck Norris Botnet and Broadband Routers

Corporate Espionage in the News: Hilton and the Oil Industry

Perhaps It’s Time to Regulate Microsoft as Critical Infrastructure?

Popular Posts

Internet Attacks Against Georgian Websites

Cyber Crime: An Economic Problem

.MS: Alternate Root and Monoculture as Good Things

ICANN Ordered by Illinois Court to Suspend

Net Neutrality Is As Silly As So-Called Internet Governance