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Carl Byington

Joined on August 9, 2006
Total Post Views: 22,063


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Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Carl Byington on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2019 - Mar 11 on Say YES to DNSSEC
2019 - Mar 07 on Say YES to DNSSEC
2018 - Feb 28 on Humming an Open Internet Demise in London?
2018 - Feb 26 on Have We Reached Peak Use of DNSSEC?
2018 - Feb 26 on Have We Reached Peak Use of DNSSEC?
2017 - Oct 03 on Why I Want a .PAYPAL New gTLD
2017 - Oct 03 on Why I Want a .PAYPAL New gTLD
2015 - Jul 18 on New gTLDs Are Great for Pump-and-Dumps, Phishes and More...
2015 - Jul 18 on New gTLDs Are Great for Pump-and-Dumps, Phishes and More...
2015 - Jul 08 on .BANK Launches With a Bang
2015 - Jun 24 on DNSSEC - Failure to Launch
2015 - Jun 24 on DNSSEC - Failure to Launch
2015 - Jun 24 on DNSSEC - Failure to Launch
2015 - Jun 22 on Logjam, Openssl and Email Deliverability
2015 - Jun 14 on Law and Disorder: When .Brand Meets .Crime
2015 - Mar 30 on M3AAWG Releases Anti-Abuse Best Common Practices for Hosting and Cloud Service Providers
2014 - Sep 09 on DNSSEC Adoption Part 1: A Status Report
2014 - Aug 14 on Verisign Mitigates 300 Gbps DDoS Attack and Other Q2 2014 DDoS Trends
2012 - Jul 12 on How Failure To Maintain IPv6 Is Hindering Law Enforcement
2012 - Apr 17 on DNS Resolution, Browsers & Hope For The Future
2012 - Feb 16 on Anonymous Plans to Go After DNS Root Servers. What Will Be the US's Response?
2011 - Sep 21 on The Invisible Hand vs. the Public Interest in IPv4 Address Distribution
2011 - Sep 15 on The Invisible Hand vs. the Public Interest in IPv4 Address Distribution
2011 - Sep 13 on The Invisible Hand vs. the Public Interest in IPv4 Address Distribution
2011 - Mar 24 on Digging Through the Problem of IPv6 and Email - Part 3
2011 - Mar 24 on Digging Through the Problem of IPv6 and Email - Part 3
2010 - Jul 21 on Moving DNSSEC Forward: Help for Registries, Registrars, ISPs/Hosting, Enterprises, and Name Owners
2010 - Jul 21 on Moving DNSSEC Forward: Help for Registries, Registrars, ISPs/Hosting, Enterprises, and Name Owners
2010 - Jul 20 on DNSSEC Happy Talk Enters a New Era
2010 - Jul 20 on Moving DNSSEC Forward: Help for Registries, Registrars, ISPs/Hosting, Enterprises, and Name Owners
2010 - Jul 19 on DNSSEC is But One Link in the Security Chain
2010 - Jul 19 on DNSSEC Happy Talk Enters a New Era
2010 - May 03 on Resources for Cleaning Your Network
2010 - Feb 26 on OpenDNS Adopts Proposed DNS Security Solution: DNSCurve
2010 - Feb 25 on OpenDNS Adopts Proposed DNS Security Solution: DNSCurve
2009 - Dec 23 on What Makes a Good ESP?
2009 - Oct 14 on An Unwelcome Afterlife for a Long-Dead Blacklist
2009 - Oct 14 on An Unwelcome Afterlife for a Long-Dead Blacklist
2009 - Oct 13 on An Unwelcome Afterlife for a Long-Dead Blacklist
2009 - Aug 26 on Oh, Spammer, Where Art Thou?
2009 - Jul 16 on Comcast Unleashes Trial DNS Redirection in Select States
2009 - Jul 04 on Turn the Table on Content Filtering
2009 - Jul 03 on Turn the Table on Content Filtering
2009 - Jun 25 on Why Not an Interim Step Until DNSSEC is Ready?
2009 - Jun 21 on Why Not an Interim Step Until DNSSEC is Ready?
2009 - Jun 21 on Why Not an Interim Step Until DNSSEC is Ready?
2009 - Jun 14 on New TLDs For Dummies (Sort of)
2009 - Jun 12 on New TLDs For Dummies (Sort of)
2009 - Feb 24 on Proposed Law Seeks to Expose Internet Addressing for Child Safety
2009 - Feb 06 on First gTLD Signed: Dot Gov
2009 - Feb 05 on First gTLD Signed: Dot Gov
2009 - Jan 05 on The Problem With HTTPS SSL Runs Deeper Than MD5
2008 - Sep 17 on Study Assesses Potential Impact of DNSSEC on Broadband Consumers, Results Not Good
2008 - Jul 16 on Not a Guessing Game
2008 - Jul 08 on New Generic Top-Level Domains and Internet Standards
2008 - Feb 05 on Microsoft's Offer to Buy Yahoo: An Anti-Spam Point of View
2006 - Aug 09 on Nation of Cameroon Typo-Squats the Entire .com Space

Topic Interests

EmailDNS SecurityDNSNew TLDsDomain NamesRegistry ServicesSpamICANNCybersecurityThreat IntelligenceBroadbandTelecomWebLaw IPv4 MarketsCensorshipCybercrimeAccess ProvidersMalwareNetworksIPv6 TransitionWhoisPrivacyInternet ProtocolInternet GovernanceRegional RegistriesCyberattackDDoS AttackPolicy & RegulationUDRP

Recent Blogs

DNSSEC - Failure to Launch

Logjam, Openssl and Email Deliverability

Popular Posts

DNSSEC - Failure to Launch

Logjam, Openssl and Email Deliverability