Michael Hammer

Michael Hammer

Joined on July 28, 2007
Total Post Views: 43,375


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Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Michael Hammer on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2013 - Jun 12 on Intelligence Exchange in a Free Market Economy
2011 - Aug 24 on Automated Theft of Intellectual Property
2010 - Jun 23 on How Hard Is It to Deploy DKIM?
2010 - Apr 12 on More Provocative Reasons for a Mandatory National Breach Disclosure
2009 - Oct 05 on An Authenticated Internet
2009 - Oct 02 on An Authenticated Internet
2009 - Sep 22 on Google Confirms That Keyword Metatags Don't Matter
2009 - Aug 05 on Private Cyber Investigators
2009 - Jul 09 on Turn the Table on Content Filtering
2009 - Jun 15 on "It's The Internet Stupid" ...I Respectfully Disagree
2009 - Jun 12 on Fight Phishing With Branding
2009 - Jun 09 on "It's The Internet Stupid" ...I Respectfully Disagree
2009 - Apr 01 on Innovation and Cybersecurity Regulation
2009 - Mar 24 on Warning, Danger Lurks Here: Exploring DKIM/ADSP Edge Cases - Missing message-id
2008 - Jan 18 on North Dakota Judge Gets it Wrong
2007 - Aug 22 on How Spammers Get Around SPF