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Martin A. Brown

Technical Lead
Joined on February 25, 2008
Total Post Views: 51,383


Martin has been working with IP networking under Linux for more than ten years. As part of the Renesys development team, he works in BGP data analysis. His expertise involves OSS development in systems integration and infrastructure particularly in networking contexts. Former work has involved network security, firewalls, virtual private networks, quality of service and managing and scaling distributed systems. He holds an M.A. in German from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Martin A. Brown on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Reaching Google via Asia?

Across the Internet, yesterday, Google users twittered, blogged and emailed that Google search and mail were not usable. And, yesterday afternoon, on Google’s official blog, Urs Hoelzle reported that Google “direct[ed] some […] web traffic through Asia”... Even though Google is very well-connected to a diverse set of other networks, two of these relationships predominate. It is through these relationships that much of the Internet reaches Google... more

Pakistan Hijacks YouTube: A Closer Look

A few hours ago, Pakistan Telecom (AS 17557) began advertising a small part of YouTube's assigned network. This story is almost as old as BGP. Old hands will recognize this as, fundamentally, the same problem as the infamous AS 7007 from 1997, a more recent ConEd mistake of early 2006 and even TTNet's Christmas Eve gift 2005. Just before 18:48 UTC, Pakistan Telecom, in response to government order to block access to YouTube, started advertising a route for to its provider... more

Topic Interests

CybersecurityThreat IntelligenceAccess ProvidersTelecom

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Pakistan Hijacks YouTube: A Closer Look

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