Paul Budde

Paul Budde

Managing Director of Paul Budde Communication
Joined on February 4, 2009
Total Post Views: 3,108,223


Paul Budde is the managing director of Paul Budde Communication (trading as BuddeComm), a global independent telecommunications research and consultancy company, which includes 45 national and international researchers in 15 countries.

His website ( has 2,000 research reports covering 170 countries, 400 companies and 200 technologies and applications. The company operates what is believed to be the largest telecommunications research service on the Internet and has over 3,000 customers in 80 different countries.

Paul is frequently interviewed on radio and television current affairs and news programs, as well as by the leading national and international financial and business press. He is quoted in company prospectuses and his knowledge of the industry is a valuable resource at the governmental level. He provides strategic advice on telecoms and digital economy policies to governments on three continents.

For more information on Strategic Workshops and Roundtables please click here.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Paul Budde on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2022 - Sep 05 on LunaNet – Developing the Internet for the Moon
2022 - Mar 12 on Telstra's OneWeb Deal Caught Up in the Russian War
2021 - Nov 14 on Interplanetary Internet
2021 - Feb 19 on Facebook Is Right to Call the Australian Government Bluff
2019 - Mar 20 on Putting Cyber Threats Into Perspective
2017 - Feb 17 on We Urgently Need a New Internet
2017 - Feb 17 on We Urgently Need a New Internet
2017 - Feb 16 on We Urgently Need a New Internet
2016 - Feb 27 on The World is in Need of Transformative Solutions
2016 - Feb 26 on The World is in Need of Transformative Solutions
2016 - Feb 24 on The World is in Need of Transformative Solutions
2016 - Feb 23 on The World is in Need of Transformative Solutions
2016 - Feb 22 on The World is in Need of Transformative Solutions
2016 - Feb 22 on The World is in Need of Transformative Solutions
2016 - Feb 22 on The World is in Need of Transformative Solutions
2015 - Jul 31 on How to Move Cybersecurity Forward in a More Positive Way
2015 - Apr 11 on Did Google's Infrastructure Coup Work?
2015 - Apr 10 on Did Google's Infrastructure Coup Work?
2015 - Apr 01 on Consumers Are the Serfs of the Feudal Internet Companies
2015 - Mar 31 on Low Cost Economy Depends on Ubiquitous Affordable High Speed Broadband
2015 - Mar 27 on Consumers Are the Serfs of the Feudal Internet Companies
2015 - Mar 26 on Consumers Are the Serfs of the Feudal Internet Companies
2015 - Feb 11 on Title II Will Have Little Effect on Telecom Developments in The USA
2015 - Feb 10 on Title II Will Have Little Effect on Telecom Developments in The USA
2015 - Feb 10 on Title II Will Have Little Effect on Telecom Developments in The USA
2015 - Feb 10 on Title II Will Have Little Effect on Telecom Developments in The USA
2015 - Feb 10 on Title II Will Have Little Effect on Telecom Developments in The USA
2014 - Aug 27 on Net Neutrality Undermining Spreads to Developing Countries
2014 - Jun 20 on Let American Telcos and Cablecos Merge - But Declare Infrastructure a Utility
2014 - Jun 20 on Let American Telcos and Cablecos Merge - But Declare Infrastructure a Utility
2014 - Jun 11 on Let American Telcos and Cablecos Merge - But Declare Infrastructure a Utility
2014 - Jun 09 on Let American Telcos and Cablecos Merge - But Declare Infrastructure a Utility
2014 - Jun 06 on Let American Telcos and Cablecos Merge - But Declare Infrastructure a Utility
2014 - Jun 04 on Let American Telcos and Cablecos Merge - But Declare Infrastructure a Utility
2014 - Jun 04 on Let American Telcos and Cablecos Merge - But Declare Infrastructure a Utility
2014 - May 07 on The Two Sides of Net Neutrality
2014 - May 06 on The Two Sides of Net Neutrality
2014 - May 06 on The Two Sides of Net Neutrality
2014 - May 06 on The Two Sides of Net Neutrality
2014 - May 06 on The Two Sides of Net Neutrality
2014 - Jan 16 on Broadband and Household Income
2014 - Jan 16 on Broadband and Household Income
2013 - Sep 25 on Mobiles Moving Into Fixed Networks
2013 - Jul 28 on Chromecast Set to Revolutionise the TV
2013 - Jul 27 on Chromecast Set to Revolutionise the TV
2013 - Jul 27 on Chromecast Set to Revolutionise the TV
2013 - May 08 on America Closing Down Its Copper Network - So What's Next?
2013 - Feb 20 on Broadband - The American Way
2012 - Dec 17 on WCIT-12 Disappoints, More Work to Be Done
2012 - Dec 17 on WCIT-12 Disappoints, More Work to Be Done
2012 - Dec 05 on WCIT Off to a Flying Start
2012 - Dec 05 on WCIT Off to a Flying Start
2012 - Dec 04 on WCIT Off to a Flying Start
2012 - Dec 03 on Report on the Eve of WCIT
2012 - Sep 08 on Are We Giving Up On Broadband Equality?
2012 - Jul 04 on Is the Future of the Internet at Risk?
2012 - Jul 02 on Is the Future of the Internet at Risk?
2012 - Mar 29 on Spectrum Key to Broadband Utility
2011 - Aug 13 on FttH Is Not About High-Speed Internet Access - It Is About the Internet of Things
2011 - Aug 01 on Desperate Attempts to Drag the USA Into the Digital Economy
2011 - Aug 01 on Desperate Attempts to Drag the USA Into the Digital Economy
2011 - Jul 12 on America Planning for the Closure of Its Copper Network
2011 - Jun 16 on World First: Merger of a Telco and a Power Company
2011 - Mar 24 on We Need Smarter Governments to Manage a Changing Global Environment
2011 - Feb 27 on Why Wireless Broadband Is No Alternative to FttH
2011 - Feb 12 on AT Kearney Takes Side With Incumbent Telcos to Defend the Old World
2011 - Feb 07 on AT Kearney Takes Side With Incumbent Telcos to Defend the Old World
2011 - Feb 02 on Lessons from Egypt: We Need to Protect Our Connected Minds
2011 - Feb 02 on Lessons from Egypt: We Need to Protect Our Connected Minds
2011 - Feb 02 on Lessons from Egypt: We Need to Protect Our Connected Minds
2011 - Feb 02 on Lessons from Egypt: We Need to Protect Our Connected Minds
2011 - Feb 02 on Lessons from Egypt: We Need to Protect Our Connected Minds
2011 - Feb 02 on Lessons from Egypt: We Need to Protect Our Connected Minds
2010 - Dec 09 on WiFi in All U.S. Federal Buildings
2010 - Jul 30 on WiMAX vs. LTE
2010 - Jun 22 on Who Controls Spectrum in the USA?
2010 - Mar 11 on American National Broadband Plan Good First Step
2010 - Mar 11 on American National Broadband Plan Good First Step
2010 - Mar 11 on American National Broadband Plan Good First Step
2010 - Mar 10 on American National Broadband Plan Good First Step
2010 - Jan 27 on Are Google, Microsoft and Apple the Next Utilities in Telecoms?
2010 - Jan 26 on Are Google, Microsoft and Apple the Next Utilities in Telecoms?
2010 - Jan 24 on Does the US Get the Bold Broadband Vision Congress Has Asked For?
2010 - Jan 20 on Does the US Get the Bold Broadband Vision Congress Has Asked For?
2009 - Aug 18 on National Telcos Can and Will Change Their Behaviour, Case in Point: Telstra
2009 - Jul 28 on National Broadband Infrastructure: Global Regulatory Re-Think Required
2009 - Apr 06 on World-Leading Municipality Initiative Thwarted by Incumbent
2009 - Mar 12 on WiMAX vs. LTE
2009 - Feb 08 on To What Extent Will the US Broadband Stimulus Package Provide a... Stimulus?
2009 - Feb 08 on To What Extent Will the US Broadband Stimulus Package Provide a... Stimulus?
2009 - Feb 08 on To What Extent Will the US Broadband Stimulus Package Provide a... Stimulus?
2009 - Feb 07 on To What Extent Will the US Broadband Stimulus Package Provide a... Stimulus?