Paul Fehlinger

Paul Fehlinger

Deputy Director, Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network
Joined on October 14, 2012
Total Post Views: 10,001


Paul Fehlinger is the Deputy Director and Co-founder of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network. He is actively engaged in global Internet Governance fora, including as a speaker at the UN Internet Governance Forum, the OECD, the Council of Europe, the G7 process, or the WTO. Paul was appointed as a member of the Advisory Network of the Global Commission on Internet Governance, as well as of the Working Group on Rule of Law of the Freedom Online Coalition. He was also a participant in the Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts on Cross-border Flow of Internet Traffic and Internet Freedom, and the World Economic Forum’s Future of the Internet Initiative.

Paul’s comments on the future of the Internet and the digital economy have been featured in The Economist, Fortune, Slate, NZZ, Die Zeit, and by the Council on Foreign Relations, among others. He holds a Masters of International Relations from Sciences Po Paris and was a scholar of the German National Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung). He was also a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and holds a BA in European Studies from Maastricht University.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Paul Fehlinger on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


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LawInternet GovernanceBrand Protection

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