Josh Wilson

Josh Wilson

Engineer, Professional Services at NeuStar
Joined on August 2, 2013
Total Post Views: 8,641


Josh Wilson is an Engineer with Neustar’s Professional Services team. As the founder of WildFyre Internet Services, he gained extensive experience in dealing with DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks. During that time he also learned about assisting and co-operating with Federal authorities in cyber-crime investigations. After closing his business, he attended Sullivan College of Technology & Design where he earned an AAS degree in the Computer Network Security and Forensics Program. He joined Neustar in January of 2010 and moved to the Professional Services Team in May 2011 where his primary responsibility is designing and delivering technical solutions to the customer.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Josh Wilson on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Network Security: How Attackers Gain Access from Inside

Most people - mistakenly - believe that they are perfectly safe behind a firewall, network address translation (NAT) device or proxy. The fact is quite the opposite: if you can get out of your network, someone else can get in. Attackers often seek to compromise the weakest link in a network and then use that access to attack the network from the inside, commonly known as a "pivot-and-attack." more

Topic Interests

CybersecurityCyberattackMalwareThreat Intelligence

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Network Security: How Attackers Gain Access from Inside