Nicolas Seidler

Nicolas Seidler

Senior Policy advisor
Joined on April 9, 2015
Total Post Views: 31,321


I am a Senior Policy Advisor at the Internet Society, having joined the organization in February 2010. My current focus areas concern Internet Governance as well as leading ISOC’s engagement on Internet and Human Rights.

In my work I engage with a variety of organizations such as the ITU, the Human Rights Council, UNESCO or the Council of Europe. I also play a key role in coordinating the Internet Technical Advisory Committee to the OECD.

I am based in Geneva, Switzerland. All views expressed are my own.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Nicolas Seidler on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Your Online Freedoms are Under Threat - 2017 Freedom on the Net Report

As more people get online every day, Internet Freedom is facing a global decline for the 7th year in a row. Today, Freedom House released their 2017 Freedom on the Net report, one of the most comprehensive assessments of countries' performance regarding online freedoms. The Internet Society is one of the supporters of this report. We think it brings solid and needed evidence-based data in an area that fundamentally impacts user trust. more

Flipping the Kill Switch: Internet Restrictions Becoming the New Normal

The Internet was built on the promise that everyone, everywhere could create, share information and ideas without frontiers. Yet, Internet restrictions are increasing to the point they are becoming the norm. And it's happening fast. In its 2016 Freedom on the Net report, Freedom House revealed that Internet freedom declined for the 6th year in a row. The report notes that more governments have been blocking social media and communication apps than ever before. more

Back from RightsCon Manila: Trading Freedoms for Security?

In Asia -- a region that at various points in its recent history has been a hotbed for civil unrest, secessionist movements and political instability -- the line between national security and public interest can be difficult to draw. A session organised by the Internet Society at the recently held RightsCon Southeast Asia in Manila shed some light on the perceived trade-offs between national security objectives and digital rights, in particular freedom of expression and privacy. more