Ian Peter

Ian Peter

Joined on December 31, 2003
Total Post Views: 91,850


Ian Peter became involved in the early beginnings of the Internet in Australia and Asia-Pacific from 1986. Currently a resident of Brisbane, Australia, he is involved with worldwide Internet organisations, provides strategic advice on Internet issues, and maintains a key interest in the early history of the Internet.

In 1993 he founded Ian Peter and Associates Pty Ltd, which works in the areas of strategy, policy, analysis and project management for a wide range of organisations. The company has a proud history of successfully managing change in large organisations, and of innovative approaches to business transformation across a wide range of areas including information technology management, human resource management, and communications management.

Past clients have included the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN-DNSO), Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC), Telstra, Nortel, Ergon Energy, ABC-TV, Commonwealth of Australia and Queensland Government whole of government initiatives.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Ian Peter on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

If It’s About to Break, Fix It!

The UN's WSIS Prepcomm in Geneva has ended on a divided note. The US Government's Ambassador Gross pre-announced war-cry "The United Nations will not be in charge of the Internet. Period." had been met by a nearly unanimous global response from nations for some sort of government control of the Internet on a multilateral basis. A raft of proposals to alter the current situation are on the table -- most of them fairly benign, but none supportive of the indefinite continuance of unilateral US control of the root zone authorisation. more

ICANN Needs a Good Root

It's not been the best of years for ICANN. Leaving aside for a few seconds the controversy about xxx, and the allegations of improper behavior about the .Net assignment, ICANN has had a lot to deal with. The troubles began with the UN Working Group on Internet Governance hell bent on fixing ICANN, even though ICANN says nothing is broke. That trouble remains and isn't likely to go away for some time. And then, just when it seemed that the UN and ITU was the cause of all ICANN's problems, the old ally, US Government's DOC, decided that it was going to be in charge of ICANN. ...This could be the beginnings of a distinct change where the centralized DNS as we know it gradually gives way to some next generation structure which is far more decentralized. The coming 12 months may see some significant changes in this area. more

So, Who Really Did Invent the Internet?

The beginnings of the Internet are shrouded in myth and misunderstandings that have led to some claims of proprietary ownership of the Internet. Where and when did the Internet begin? The only thing Internet historians seem to agree on is that it was not 1969, or the Pentagon, (or for that matter Al Gore). From there on, there is a wide divergence of views as to when, where, and by whom the Internet may have been invented... more

Can TCP/IP Survive?

The following article is an excerpt from the recently released Internet Analysis Report 2004 - Protocols and Governance. Full details of the argument for protocol reform can be found at 'Internet Mark 2 Project' website, where a copy of the Executive Summary can be downloaded free of charge. ..."In releasing this section for comment, I would like to point out that the report's conclusions are based on a cumulative examination of various protocols and systems. We are at a point of time where other protocols and systems are equally problematic -- the report points to some significant problems with DNS structure and scalability, and also points out that, to all intents and purposes, the basic email protocol, SMTP, is broken and needs immediate replacement." more

Topic Interests

DNSIPv6 TransitionInternet ProtocolCybersecurityInternet GovernanceEmailThreat IntelligenceMultilinguismICANNSpamPrivacyCensorshipNew TLDsDomain NamesRegistry ServicesVoIP IPv4 MarketsPolicy & RegulationMobile InternetTelecomDDoS AttackNetworksWhoisWeb

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Can TCP/IP Survive?

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