Product Manager at Incognito Software Systems
Joined on October 12, 2016
Total Post Views: 18,429
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With over a decade of experience in the telecommunications industry, Najla brings a diverse range of expertise to Incognito, including quality assurance, hardware engineering, software engineering, product development, and project team management. Her pragmatic, customer-first approach to business helps ensure that every client receives holistic solutions to meet their organizational needs.
Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Najla Dadmand on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Most service providers are aware that there needs to be a simple, fast way to identify subscribers. Unfortunately, in reality, mapping IP addresses back to subscribers for identification purposes - such as lawful interception requests or acceptable use policy violations - can be complicated. It usually involves analyzing data sets, completing manual audits, or reliance on multi-step solutions. more
Have you ever purchased a new electronic device, taken it home, excitedly unwrapped it and switched it on, only to discover that something is wrong and you need to phone customer support? This scenario is all-too-common in the broadband services industry, and unfortunately, it's usually the service provider who takes the blame. New customers will often purchase gateways from third parties or redistributors without knowing that the device's firmware is out of date. more
Cable modem fraud can be a major source of revenue leakage for service providers. A recent study found that communication service providers lost $3 billion dollars worldwide due to cable modem cloning and fraudulent practices. To combat this problem, device provisioning solutions include mechanisms to prevent loss -- but what do you really need to protect your bottom line? more