Ken Silva

Ken Silva

VP for Operations and Infrastructure at Ionic Security
Joined on January 5, 2020
Total Post Views: 7,370


Mr. Silva is the Vice President for Operations and Infrastructure at Ionic Security. He is responsible for all cloud and data center infrastructure for Ionic’s Data Protection services.

Prior to Ionic Security, Mr. Silva was Senior Vice President for Cyber Strategy at ManTech International, where he led efforts across ManTech to expand its cyber technologies. He was also the President of Cyber Solutions International, a ManTech subsidiary.

Mr. Silva was a Senior Executive Adviser for cyber technologies at Booz Allen Hamilton. Prior to that, he spent ten years at VeriSign, where he was senior vice president and chief technology officer and was named one of InfoWorld’s Top 25 CTO’s for 2009. Before entering the private sector, Silva spent nine years as a technical director at the National Security Agency and eleven years as a senior analyst with the United States Air Force.

He has been on the board of directors of the Information Technology Information Sharing and Analysis Center (IT-ISAC) and was the chairman of the Internet Security Alliance from 2002-2008. Silva has also been a member of the National Reliability and Interoperability Commission (NRIC), the National Stability Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC), and the Enduring Security Framework (ESF) Operations Committee. He has testified on numerous occasions to the U.S. Congress on matters of cybersecurity. He has also briefed individual members of Congress and their staff.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Ken Silva on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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The .ORG Debate Should be About What Its Users Want

I watch the controversy over the proposed sale of the .ORG domain with a mixture of bemusement and concern. Some in the ICANN community – mostly those who resent that the Internet ever became commercialized – oppose the sale of the Public Interest Registry to the for-profit company Ethos for $1.1 billion. The basis of their concern is that the domain for non-profits should be in the hands of a non-profit and that the new owners might increase the current $9.93 fee PIR charges for a domain. more

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DNSDomain NamesPolicy & RegulationInternet GovernanceICANN

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