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US Government Releases Two IPv6 Papers

During the last week of December, two US Government agencies released papers on IPv6.

NIST released Special Publication 800-119, Guidelines for the Secure Deployment of IPv6. This comprehensive 188 page paper provides guidelines for federal agencies (and anyone else who might want to take advantage of it) to securely deploy IPv6. NIST was originally tasked by the 2005 White House IPv6 Memo to develop standards in order to address IPv6 compliance for the Federal government’s IPv6 transition. NIST has created the USGv6 Profile and detailed testing specifications. In addition, pursuant to Federal Information Security Management Act, NIST was charged with developing standards and guidelines “for providing adequate information security for all agency operations and assets.” Guidelines for the Secure Deployment of IPv6 provides clear technical explanations and recommendations for secure IPv6 implementation.

The other paper, Potential Impacts on Communications For IPv4 Exhaustion and IPv6 Transition, was released by the Federal Communications Commission as part of its Working Paper Series. FCC Working Papers are intended to stimulate discussion and critical comment within the FCC, as well as outside the agency, on issues that may affect communications policy, but are not official FCC policy or statements. The FCC Working Paper (which I wrote) was designed to be a high level discussion to raise awareness and provide a succinct description of the policy implications. The paper takes note of the IPv6 transition as an issue that could potentially have implications on FCC and other federal government policy initiatives, including broadband deployment, open Internet, cybersecurity, and law enforcement.

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