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ICANN Announces Kurt Erik Lindqvist as New President and CEO

Kurt Erik “Kurtis” Lindqvist announced as new President and CEO of ICANN

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has appointed Kurt Erik “Kurtis” Lindqvist as its new President and CEO, effective December 5, 2024. Lindqvist, an industry veteran with over 30 years of experience in the development of Internet Service Providers and global network carriers, currently serves as the CEO of the London Internet Exchange (LINX). His background also includes his tenure as CEO of Netnod and advisory roles in Internet governance and policy.

Lindqvist’s appointment marks a pivotal moment for ICANN, a global nonprofit dedicated to ensuring a unified, stable, and secure Internet. Tripti Sinha, Chair of the ICANN Board of Directors, expressed confidence in Lindqvist’s capabilities, highlighting his transformational leadership and his deep understanding of the Internet community. Sinha emphasized Lindqvist’s alignment with ICANN’s mission and strategic plans, noting his exceptional leadership, political, and technical skills.

Lindqvist has been a prominent figure in the Internet community for over two decades, contributing to the Internet Architecture Board and serving as a working group chair in RIPE and the Internet Engineering Task Force. His vision and commitment to a globally interoperable Internet are seen as key assets for ICANN as it continues to champion the multistakeholder model of Internet governance.

The announcement follows an extensive global search conducted by a CEO Search Committee, which reviewed a diverse pool of 100 candidates from over 20 countries. The rigorous selection process culminated in the unanimous decision to appoint Lindqvist.

Sally Costerton, who has served as Interim President and CEO, will continue in her role until Lindqvist takes over. The ICANN Board expressed gratitude for Costerton’s leadership during the transition period.

Lindqvist will operate from ICANN’s Geneva office, with significant time spent at the Los Angeles headquarters, ensuring a smooth leadership transition.

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