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ISC Changes Name to Internet Systems Consortium

Internet Systems Consortium (ISC), formerly Internet Software Consortium, has changed its name to better reflect the new direction of the organization. The renamed company has expanded the mission of the original ISC to include more focus on Global DNS operations. In addition to developing and maintaining production quality Open Source software, such as BIND and DHCP, ISC will now enhance the stability of the global DNS through reliable F-root nameserver operations and ongoing operation of a DNS crisis coordination center, ISC’s OARC for DNS; and further protocol development efforts, particularly in the areas of DNS evolution and facilitating the transition to IPv6.

Paul Vixie, President of ISC, stated, “We are excited about our new name as it is a better description of the work we do to strengthen and improve the DNS infrastructure of the Internet. Our software and operational focus provide direct benefits in increased reliability to the users of the Internet today and our protocol work will benefit future users.”

2003 was a year of significant growth for ISC. Several enhancements to BIND were released as well as protocol development in other DNS-related areas including security. Seventeen new F-root nameserver sites were deployed around the globe enhancing Internet response times in key regions and reducing the vulnerability of the Internet Root nameserver system to malicious attacks. Joao Damas, F-root Programme Manager, added, “In 2004 we plan to continue our aggressive strategy of deploying F-root nameserver mirrors around the globe adding 12 installations in 2004.”

In October 2003, ISC launched its Operations, Analysis, and Research Center (OARC) to directly address the security concerns of the global DNS system—a critical element enabling traffic flow on the Internet. ISC’s OARC for DNS brings together root nameserver operators, Network Service Providers, and leading research institutions on a trusted platform so they can coordinate responses during an attack and share knowledge to prevent future attacks. Suzanne Woolf, OARC Programme Manager, commented, “With the launch of ISC OARC for DNS we’ve taken the first steps to create a unified platform for safeguarding the global DNS systems, ultimately supporting the integrity and security of the Internet today and its improvements and evolution tomorrow.”

Other changes within the ISC organization include the creation of ISC Software Guild with special interest groups for specific software such as BIND Forum. Software Guild membership fees fund the ongoing budget for software development, maintenance, and publication.

ISC is supported by the donations of generous sponsors, program membership fees and specific fees for services. Along with the name change, comes official status as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. For program or donation information, please visit our website at

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By Laura Hendriksen, Business Development Manager

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