
Law / Industry Updates

Australian Government Steps In

Like in many countries, Australia has been experiencing an increase in cybersecurity incidents. The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) received over 76,000 cybercrime reports during the 2021 -- 2022 financial year, an increase of nearly 13% from the previous year.

Continuing Danger for Internet Users – Unavailable Whois Data and DNS Abuse

As we approach our third year of living with ICANN's Temporary Specification, civil and criminal investigators still can't find suspected perpetrators' contact data, nor can they depend upon enlisting the help of registries and registrars to abate abuse consistently and quickly. The result? Unsuspecting internet users remain at risk, and there is no end to this dilemma in sight.

Using IP Geolocation Data to Support Regulatory Compliance

Complying with strict data privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a must do. Violators can get penalized as much as €10 million or 2% of their annual turnover. This reality makes it critical for organizations, therefore, to employ strict employee, customer, and stakeholder data management policies.

Together for the Good of the Internet: eco Complaints Office Registers More Reports Than Ever Before

For 25 years, the Complaints Office of eco -- Association of the Internet Industry has been successfully combatting illegal content on the Internet. The 2020 report now available shows that the independent hotline is making a significant contribution to the take-down and criminal investigation of illegal content.

Thinking Outside the Box – Protecting Non-Music Brands’ IP on Digital Music Services

When brands think about registering a trademark, it's natural to consider the classes that match the direct nature of their products and services. A car manufacturer would register under vehicles; an apparel brand would register in clothing, footwear, and headwear – and perhaps jewelry if they offer accessories.

The High Cost Of Privacy In A Post-GDPR World

It has officially been over a year since the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect and in that time, we've come to see both the benefits, and the very serious drawbacks of this program.

Why UDRP Panelists Must Follow the Policy: A Look at the Decision

Observers of the UDRP are aware that ICANN has substantially abrogated responsibility for oversight of the UDRP. ICANN accredits dispute resolution providers (DRPs) without requiring a contract so that the DRPs are held to no enforceable standards.

Why the Record Number of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking UDRP Filings in 2016?

By replacing the core criterion of the Policy with repurposed language found elsewhere, panelists inadvertently encourage Complainant companies to attempt to misuse the UDRP to steal domains that were registered long before those companies and associated product trademarks came into existence.

2016 U.S. Election: An Internet Forecast

The unexpected election of Donald Trump, along with continued Republican control of both houses of Congress will have a big impact on our US priorities. While the outlook remains unclear, we've prepared the memo below examining the initial impact the election may have on issues that matter to Internet infrastructure companies and organizations.

Afilias Says “No” to SOPA

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is the subject of substantial controversy in the United States, and the domain name industry is squarely in the middle of the debate. Many DNS service providers and technology developers in the industry oppose SOPA, Afilias among them. Here's why.