

Global Brand Protection Leader
Joined on October 14, 2019
Total Post Views: 72,435


Appdetex solves business problems related to digital risks. With deep roots in intellectual property law and applying technical innovation to securing brands, Appdetex is dedicated to the success of brand protection and security professionals and serves the world’s most-trusted financial institutions, media platforms and top-of-the-charts gaming and software companies.

Founded in 2012 by brand protection veterans, the Appdetex team applies decades of experience in digital risk mitigation to your brand challenges. Disrupting highly-organized, automated and widespread systems of abuse requires technology and expertise to ensure your brand can continue to deliver an authentic experience to your customers.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Appdetex on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Company Updates

NFTs and Emerging Scams

As NFTs continue to grow in popularity, questions about how to protect both intellectual property and consumers will increase. In 2021, NFT sales reached an estimated $24.9 billion. That's up from $94.9 million the year before. more

Continuing Danger for Internet Users – Unavailable Whois Data and DNS Abuse

As we approach our third year of living with ICANN's Temporary Specification, civil and criminal investigators still can't find suspected perpetrators' contact data, nor can they depend upon enlisting the help of registries and registrars to abate abuse consistently and quickly. The result? Unsuspecting internet users remain at risk, and there is no end to this dilemma in sight. more

Protecting Intellectual Property Protects Consumers

Next week we will celebrate World IP Day. Observed annually on the 26th of April, World IP Day was created by WIPO in 2000 to highlight the critical role that intellectual property plays in our daily lives and in society as a whole. more

LexisNexis Announces Alliance With Appdetex to Bring Online Brand Protection to Europe, Middle East

Today, LexisNexis announced its alliance with Appdetex to bring online brand protection to Europe and the Middle East. This expansion with LexisNexis will enable a broader reach for us to help protect the reputation, relationships, and revenue online of global customers. more

Brand Abuse is Systemic: The Role of Networks in Brand Abuse

The 2020 COVID pandemic forced businesses to double down on their digital investments as in-person moved online. Brands refined and upped their marketing investments across digital channels - email, websites, social media, apps, and advertising - to serve their customers along their digital buying journeys. more

Appdetex Accelerates Growth With $12.2 Million Financing Led by Baird Capital

Appdetex, a global brand protection leader and expert in online detection, assessment, and enforcement of online infringements, today announced that Baird Capital has led a $12.2 million Series C financing to fuel the company's growth, team, and market opportunity. more

Rise in Domain Name Registrations Highlights the Need for Continued Vigilance

Increased domain name registrations are only part of the picture. As the number of legitimate domain name registrations increase, so to do those registered by criminals in bad faith. more

Shopping and the Pandemic: Increased Reliance on Mobile Apps 

Savvy retailers who expanded their offerings to include e-commerce app options have reaped the benefits of this forethought during the coronavirus outbreak. As the pandemic has driven more shoppers to buy online, retailers who offer e-commerce apps have seen dramatic increases in the number of sales, even as traditional shopping has dropped off precipitously. more

Internet and Mobile Exploitation of the Coronavirus

Following our initial blog on the subject of Internet sites and domains seeking to profit from the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis, we dug deeper into the topic. Appdetex looked at keywords within domain names, website content, social media handles and marketplace listings that would likely be related to the coronavirus outbreak. Though the result of this work is related to a very limited set of keywords, the quantities of results delivered are statistically significant in many cases. more

Retrospective: Post-GDPR Compliance Rates for Domain Enforcement

A success rate of one out of four might not seem like a reason to celebrate, but when it comes to registrar compliance rates, the current 25% rates that AppDetex clients enjoy is a substantial improvement from the single-digit compliance rates initially experienced immediately following the implementation of GDPR. more

Mobile Apps Take the Lead, Scammers Follow

Mobile commerce has just reached another landmark milestone. For the first time ever, mobile transactions made up almost $1 of every $3 spent online during the post-Thanksgiving 2019 shopping weekend. more

The High Cost Of Privacy In A Post-GDPR World

It has officially been over a year since the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect and in that time, we've come to see both the benefits, and the very serious drawbacks of this program. more