Jothan Frakes

Jothan Frakes

Domain Name Industry Consultant
Joined on July 22, 2004
Total Post Views: 277,479


Jothan Frakes is co-founder of NamesCon and the DomainFest conference event series and is a Senior Executive with over 20 years of experience in leadership roles within the domain name industry and over 25 years working with technology companies.

Prior to being one of the founders of NamesCon, Jothan recently provided subject matter resourcing to KPMG for the technical / financial evaluation process of new TLDs.  He is a member of the San Francisco Internet Society, and is a trusted, respected, and tenured participant within the ICANN Community, and has participated in many ICANN working groups within such areas a High Security TLDs, Security and Stability (SSAC) review of Public Suffixes, Morality and Public Interest, and the Vertical Integration between registry and registrar.

Jothan is a consultant and subject matter resource on the domain name industry, and is a contributing volunteer with the Mozilla Foundation, working with TLD registry operators to keep the Verisign Naming and Directory Services, as Vice President at Name Intelligence, operators of and Domain Tools. 

Jothan founded and produced the 2005 and 2006 ISOC, a frequent contributor to ICANNWatch, is inventor on some interesting domain technology use.

Jothan has presented at a number of conferences and events, and frequently performs trainings for companies on the domain name system.  He has been a speaker at NamesCon,, DomainFest, as well as at CENTR meetings, ICANNStudienKreis, DENIC technical meetings, and a number of other domain name conferences. and moderates domain industry panels at ICANN meetings, and Targeted TRAFFIC conferences.

He is also a respected contributor to Domain Name Wire, and CircleID articles.

Jothan is listed as co-inventor on a number of domain name related technologies for Verisign and Oracle that are listed at the US Patent and Trademark Office.  He resides in Seattle, Washington and donates time to social works there locally when not with his family.

Jothan’s thoughts and insights shared with CircleID are his thoughts and Opinions and not necessarily those of his employer, clients, or customers.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Jothan Frakes on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2024 - Jun 02 on Announcing the 2024 ICANN Contracted Parties Summit Statement!
2023 - Oct 04 on ICANN Turning 25 - It's the People that Make a Difference
2023 - Oct 04 on ICANN Turning 25 - It's the People that Make a Difference
2021 - Jun 01 on The Risk of Descriptive Subdomains: Are We Revealing Too Much?
2020 - Oct 22 on 2020 Hindsight After 20 Years at ICANN
2020 - Jun 23 on Article 22 of the GDPR Should Not Preclude Contemplated Automation
2017 - May 02 on Sorry, Not Sorry: WHOIS Data Must Remain Public
2017 - May 02 on Sorry, Not Sorry: WHOIS Data Must Remain Public
2017 - Apr 29 on Sorry, Not Sorry: WHOIS Data Must Remain Public
2017 - Apr 15 on The IETF's Job Is Complete - Should It Now Scale Up, Down or Out?
2017 - Mar 15 on Universal Acceptance of New Top-Level Domains Reloaded
2016 - Feb 22 on I Got Fired
2015 - May 20 on Curbing Cyber- and Typosquatting
2015 - May 20 on Curbing Cyber- and Typosquatting
2015 - May 20 on Curbing Cyber- and Typosquatting
2015 - May 06 on The Internet of Stupid Things
2014 - Nov 18 on Government of Quebec Ends Its Participation in .Quebec TLD Days Before Launch
2014 - Oct 09 on New gTLDs' Sales Force a Bottleneck?
2014 - Oct 09 on 5 Common Misconceptions New Registries Have About Domain Revenue
2014 - Sep 28 on Industry Association: An Implementation Model
2011 - Dec 13 on Technical Comments on Mandated DNS Filtering Requirements of H. R. 3261 ("SOPA")
2011 - Dec 13 on Technical Comments on Mandated DNS Filtering Requirements of H. R. 3261 ("SOPA")
2011 - Dec 01 on ANA Moves Campaign Against New gTLDs to YouTube, Accuses ICANN of Lying
2011 - Nov 17 on New gTLDs and the 1%
2011 - Nov 03 on Businesses Angry with ICANN's New gTLD Structure, Says CADNA
2011 - Nov 01 on Fair Notice and Applying for a New gTLD
2011 - Oct 14 on Protecting Intellectual Property is Good; Mandatory DNS Filtering is Bad
2011 - Jul 13 on How to Abolish the DNS Hierarchy... But It's a Bad Idea
2011 - Jul 07 on Focus on gTLD Niches, Not on the Number of Registrations
2011 - Jun 30 on The Internet Community Says Thank You to ICANN for New TLDs
2011 - Jun 30 on Role of Finance Leaders is Specialized in TLD Launches
2011 - Jun 08 on New gTLDs: Will Application Developers Be Ready In Time to Secure User Confidence?
2011 - Jun 07 on New gTLDs: Will Application Developers Be Ready In Time to Secure User Confidence?
2011 - May 16 on vs. a New TLD: What's a Brand to Do?
2011 - May 15 on vs. a New TLD: What's a Brand to Do?
2011 - Mar 10 on Inquiring About the "Unthinkable"
2011 - Feb 21 on To Serve the Public Interest You First Have to Define 'Public Interest'
2011 - Jan 19 on Insight: .JOBS and New TLD's - Are You Paying Attention?
2011 - Jan 07 on ICANN Board - GAC Geneva Meeting: Open to Observers?
2010 - Dec 03 on Two Years Later Dozens of Registrars Still in the Shadows
2010 - Dec 03 on Two Years Later Dozens of Registrars Still in the Shadows
2010 - Dec 03 on Two Years Later Dozens of Registrars Still in the Shadows
2010 - Nov 10 on The Wall Between Registries and Registrars Comes Tumbling Down
2010 - Nov 10 on The Wall Between Registries and Registrars Comes Tumbling Down
2010 - Oct 22 on Gruber Gives Up On His IDN
2010 - Oct 22 on Is the New gTLD Program Approval Even a Chance for This Year?
2010 - Oct 15 on Graph Shows Decline of IPv4 Has Been Mostly Linear
2010 - Sep 04 on ARF is Now an IETF Standard
2010 - Aug 11 on Putting String Similarity into Context: Bulgaria's IDN (.??) vs. Brazil's ccTLD (.br)
2010 - Aug 11 on Putting String Similarity into Context: Bulgaria's IDN (.??) vs. Brazil's ccTLD (.br)
2010 - Aug 06 on New gTLDs and Their Hidden Costs: Part 2
2010 - Jul 27 on New TLD Application Tip: Launch Strategies
2010 - Jul 16 on Top Ten New gTLD Gotchas
2010 - Jul 15 on Top Ten New gTLD Gotchas
2010 - Jul 12 on Who Is Blocking WHOIS? Part 2
2010 - Jul 01 on Who Is Blocking WHOIS? Part 2
2010 - May 27 on Don't Rely on Initial TLD Registration Volumes
2010 - May 10 on "Thin Brand Line" Breaks as Canon Announces Plans for .CANON
2010 - Apr 13 on Cyber-Spin: How the Internet Gets Framed as Dangerous
2010 - Apr 06 on CADNA: New gTLD Launch to Cost Businesses $746 Million
2010 - Mar 04 on ICANN and Its Responsibilities to the Global Public Interest
2010 - Feb 17 on Domain Registry Locking Program: It Is There for a Reason, So Why Not Use It?
2010 - Feb 11 on ICANN and Its Responsibilities to the Global Public Interest
2009 - Oct 23 on Getting a Handle on IDNs
2009 - Oct 06 on ICANN Releases New gTLD Applicant Guidebook ...Would Apple Need Permission from China for .MAC?
2009 - Aug 24 on Corporate Domain Registration Practices in Light of New gTLDs
2009 - Aug 21 on Corporate Domain Registration Practices in Light of New gTLDs
2009 - Aug 21 on Forget TLDs, Keep Dot Suffix and Move On
2009 - Aug 14 on Examininng Value in New ICANN TLDs on Search and Navigation, Companies, Domain Registries
2009 - Jun 13 on New TLDs For Dummies (Sort of)
2009 - Feb 02 on Analysis of Domain Names Registered Across Multiple Existing TLDs and Implications for New gTLDs
2008 - Jun 30 on The SocialDNS Project... and Why DNS is Not the Phone Book of the Internet
2008 - May 09 on A Patent for SiteFinder-Like Resolution
2008 - Feb 02 on Is China Preparing to Go its Own Way with its Own Internet Root?
2007 - Jan 26 on IE Namespace: We Need Personal Domains!
2006 - Nov 16 on Rhetorical Questions on IDN TLD Approaches
2006 - Nov 01 on Rhetorical Questions on IDN TLD Approaches
2006 - Oct 28 on Is ICANN Producing Jewels?
2006 - Oct 21 on What If .COM Had Been Born With Site Finder?
2006 - Sep 15 on GeoTLDs: Diversity is Key
2006 - Jun 21 on Conflict of Opinion
2006 - Jun 17 on Domain Tasting Target of US Federal Cybersquatting Lawsuit
2006 - Jun 16 on Domain Tasting Target of US Federal Cybersquatting Lawsuit
2006 - Jun 16 on GG, IM, and JE: Welcome (officially) to ISO3166, Good Bye GB
2006 - Jun 05 on Domain Tasting Target of US Federal Cybersquatting Lawsuit
2006 - May 31 on GG, IM, and JE: Welcome (officially) to ISO3166, Good Bye GB
2006 - May 11 on Cricket Liu Interviewed: DNS and BIND, 5th Edition
2006 - Apr 25 on Vint Cerf's Keynote at Domain Roundtable
2006 - Jan 24 on The Catalan Campaign to Win .Cat Top-Level Domain
2006 - Jan 18 on Domain Name Containing Trademark Translation is Determined Confusingly Similar
2006 - Jan 16 on Ask Vint Cerf: The Road Ahead for Top-Level Domains
2006 - Jan 14 on Google's Most Popular and Least Popular Top-Level Domains
2005 - Dec 07 on The Problem With Wikis
2005 - Oct 12 on Breaking the Internet HOWTO
2005 - Oct 12 on Breaking the Internet HOWTO
2005 - Oct 12 on Breaking the Internet HOWTO
2005 - Oct 04 on Why I Am Participating in the ORSN Project
2005 - Oct 03 on Why I Am Participating in the ORSN Project
2005 - Sep 30 on Putting Multiple Root Nameserver Issue to Rest
2005 - Sep 18 on Sitefinder Writ Small
2005 - Sep 16 on Sitefinder Writ Small
2005 - Sep 15 on .XXX as Proposed is Wrong for Families & Kids
2005 - Sep 14 on Sitefinder Writ Small
2005 - Sep 13 on .XXX as Proposed is Wrong for Families & Kids
2005 - Sep 13 on .XXX as Proposed is Wrong for Families & Kids
2005 - Aug 22 on .XXX Puzzle Pieces Start to Come Together: And the Picture is Ugly
2005 - Aug 16 on Objections to .XXX, Attention in High Places
2005 - Aug 05 on About Those Root Servers
2005 - Aug 05 on About Those Root Servers
2005 - Aug 04 on About Those Root Servers
2005 - Jul 23 on A Balkanized Internet Future?
2005 - Jun 29 on Putting Multiple Root Nameserver Issue to Rest
2005 - Jun 06 on Sitting Around the Domain Table
2005 - Jun 03 on Some Notes on the .XXX Top-Level Domain
2005 - Apr 15 on Fitting .JOBS Into the Marketplace
2005 - Apr 14 on .EU TLD Comes Closer Than Ever to Becoming a Reality
2005 - Mar 31 on How India's .IN Domain Rouses from its Slumber
2005 - Mar 29 on Spirit of .Pro, Where Art Thou?
2005 - Mar 22 on Shambles at the .Pro Registry
2005 - Jan 23 on .NET Bid Contenders
2005 - Jan 20 on .NET Bid Contenders
2005 - Jan 17 on Customer Service is Law: The Panix Story
2005 - Jan 05 on Reforming Whois
2004 - Dec 18 on Engineers on TLDs: Do You Want Me With Fries?
2004 - Dec 02 on Examining the Proposed Internationalization of TLDs
2004 - Nov 22 on Thoughts on IPv6 Day
2004 - Nov 20 on ICANN Transfer Policy: Domain Hijacking Got Easier or Did It?
2004 - Nov 11 on ICANN Transfer Policy: Domain Hijacking Got Easier or Did It?
2004 - Oct 27 on Why DomainKeys is Broken
2004 - Oct 19 on Internationalizing Top-Level Domain Names: Another Look
2004 - Oct 18 on Internationalizing Top-Level Domain Names: Another Look
2004 - Oct 16 on .eu Domain Name Contract Signed: Registration Could Begin in Six to Nine Months
2004 - Oct 07 on The Need to Keep Congress Fully Informed
2004 - Oct 06 on Languages in the Root: A TLD Launch Strategy Based on ISO 639
2004 - Sep 19 on .EU: Lucy's Football?
2004 - Sep 19 on .EU: Lucy's Football?
2004 - Aug 25 on JET Guidelines for Internationalized Domain Names
2004 - Aug 02 on The Site Finder Reprise
2004 - Jul 26 on The Site Finder Reprise
2004 - Jul 25 on The Site Finder Reprise
2004 - Jul 24 on The Site Finder Reprise

Topic Interests

DNSNew TLDsDomain NamesCybersecurityICANNRegional RegistriesRegistry ServicesMobile InternetTelecomInternet GovernanceMultilinguismUDRPWebWhoisPolicy & RegulationSpamEmailIPv6 Transition IPv4 MarketsNetworksInternet ProtocolPrivacyDomain ManagementCybercrimeCensorshipWirelessVoIPDNS SecurityThreat IntelligenceEnumLawP2PCloud ComputingCyberattackBrand ProtectionMalwareInternet of ThingsArtificial IntelligenceDDoS Attack

Recent Blogs

Domain Names Overcoming Awareness Gap in Mainstream Media

Insight: .JOBS and New TLD’s - Are You Paying Attention?


ICANN Releases New gTLD Applicant Guidebook ...Would Apple Need Permission from China for .MAC?

Rhetorical Questions on IDN TLD Approaches

Popular Posts

To Meow or not to Meow: .CAT TLD approved by ICANN

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Rhetorical Questions on IDN TLD Approaches

.NET Bid Contenders