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Fitting .JOBS Into the Marketplace

There have been several posts over the last 48 hours in response to the new dot jobs domain on both sides of the argument.

John Sumser from The Electronic Recruiting News provides a balanced view of the new domain and in the end determines that then new domain will not help job seekers. Gerry Crispin has a slightly different view on The CareerXroads, which is not surprising as Gerry was a advocate of the new domain from the beginning. Joel Cheesman provides a fantastic top 10 thoughts on the new domain as well.

There seems to be agreement that the main winners from all of this are SHRM and EmployMedia, as there is going to be the traditional land grab as we all rush to get our domains. Jason wants recruiting.job, in reading Gerry’s post he views that Jason won’t get it, but he should. Gerry also mentions we won’t be seeing domains like, but what about Blow Off in the UK at, they might want I can’t see why but there is the possibility. This land grab will result in more money going to EmployMedia, SHRM and ICANN.

Let’s look at the whole global aspect of the new domain. Most US based organisations struggle to provide consistent recruiting approaches to all countries around the globe. Look at Microsoft as a good example. The corporate careers site is at, the Australian/New Zealand site is at Are we going to end up with and or How are the subsidiaries going to be catered for? Another issue, take National Australia Bank one of the largest banks in Australia have the domain, however if you look at you end up at National Semiconductors in the US, so who should have Are job seekers going to have to learn new domains just to see the careers site, How will SHRM clearly and evenly promote this new domain around the globe, or will they promote it first to their members, primarily US based and then to people outside of the US as an after thought? Maybe they will need to partnership with similar groups like AHRI around the globe.

Then there are the technical issues. As John mentioned any tech person can point to, so where is the value? Joel brings up the idea of the registration process needing to be very easy for non-technical people. If only a qualified candidate can apply, i.e. someone who complies with the same code of conduct as SHRM members, then it will have to be very easy because many HR people are still trying to come to terms with technology as it is. Joel also talks about search engines and the waiting they give, the quality of the data so that .jobs does not end up like .net. There is speculation that .jobs will mean organisations will want to post jobs firstly to their own sites so job seekers can find them quickly. I feel this is missing the take up of vertical search with sites like Indeed, however dot jobs will make things much easier for Indeed and others to join the market place.

Now if these items, and others, can be addressed then dot jobs might have value to add in the internet, unlike dot tv. EmployMedia and SHRM could learn a thing of two from how the domains have been handed out, i.e. you must provide a valid government identifier to show that you are a valid business. But even this process has been full of headaches around trademarks, brands and other identifiable attributes that companies have wanted to use preceding the

By Michael Specht, Manager People Systems

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Daniel R. Tobias  –  Apr 14, 2005 1:48 PM

I’ve always thought that a company-specific jobs site ought to be done as a logical subdomain of the main company domain; thus, if the main domain is, the jobs site would be at  Just what is gained by putting it instead at, other than revenue for a registry and registrar?

Jothan Frakes  –  Apr 15, 2005 1:13 AM

So, here is a puzzle…

If I were to abuse the policies to find some exploitable loophole…..

Here is an edge case… in the process of recruitment, hiring people who are good with their hands, who specialize in meticulous handmade crafts, could I get the domain

Lets say that this request came in under a legitimate premise, and got approved and delegated.

Roll the calendar forward to a time 6 months later, and the registrant realizes that there might be another use for the domain name and redirects it to an adult site or synthetic latex glove manufacturer… who polices or enforces this?

I realize this is probably a bad example of an edge case, or it sounds like a joke, but I am sincerely curious.

Is there some form of community policing that needs to occur to maintain the integrity of the STLD charter?

Michael Specht  –  Apr 15, 2005 1:39 AM

Jothan around .jobs both EmployMedia and SHRM have stated that they will “police” any requests around this.  However with the recent example of domain hijacking you raise a very good point.

Ram Mohan  –  Apr 17, 2005 4:28 AM

Joel Cheesman says in his blog: “The data is going to have to stay pure. If,, etc. ever get sold in conjunction with, .jobs will have no greater benefit than a .net”

Today’s registrar marketplace rewards low margins and high volume; it’s hard to see how generic names can legitimately be kept out ... particularly if a qualified company’s name has these words in their formal registered name.

HR Professional  –  Jun 5, 2005 7:32 PM

The stld .jobs sounds like a great idea. The role out needs more definition, but the end result can be helpful to the HR professional as well as the job seeker. As with any new venture there are always obsticals to overcome, but the value far exceeds the obsticals.

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