

Internet policy and governance consultant
Joined on May 16, 2005
Total Post Views: 179,084


All my posts on CircleID are personal opinions, and should not be construed as being representative of any organisation with which I may be affiliated.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by McTim on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2016 - Oct 18 on Refutation of the Worst IANA Transition FUD
2016 - Sep 23 on Refutation of the Worst IANA Transition FUD
2015 - Oct 02 on Congress Must Approve Transfer of IANA Function to ICANN
2015 - Oct 01 on Congress Must Approve Transfer of IANA Function to ICANN
2015 - Oct 01 on Congress Must Approve Transfer of IANA Function to ICANN
2015 - Oct 01 on Congress Must Approve Transfer of IANA Function to ICANN
2014 - Dec 01 on Is the ICANN New gTLD Program a Draft for a V2 of the Internet?
2014 - Jan 27 on USG Provides First Official Statement on Montevideo, Brazil, and ITU Plenipotentiary
2013 - Sep 25 on Who Are the True Multi-Stakeholders in ICANN?
2013 - May 29 on Removing Need at RIPE
2013 - Apr 11 on New TLDs: Time For a Do-Over on Plural Similarity
2012 - Dec 11 on It's Not Paranoia if They Are Really After You!
2012 - Dec 03 on Report on the Eve of WCIT
2012 - Nov 27 on "Objection, Your Honour!"
2012 - Nov 27 on "Objection, Your Honour!"
2012 - Nov 21 on The Only Winning Game at the WCIT
2012 - Nov 18 on The Only Winning Game at the WCIT
2012 - Nov 17 on Now That Kurt Pritz Has Resigned over Conflict of Interest, Will a Transparent Investigation Follow?
2012 - May 07 on Business Case for IPv6 - Part 1
2012 - Feb 15 on Google's Free Public DNS Load Tops VeriSign, Raising Dot-Com Contract Tender Question
2012 - Jan 14 on 2012: The Year of the New gTLD Program and the Year to Support ICANN - Part II
2012 - Jan 14 on 2012: The Year of the New gTLD Program and the Year to Support ICANN - Part II
2011 - Dec 30 on TLD Expansion: ICANN Must Not Back Down
2011 - Dec 19 on Breaking the Internet HOWTO: The Unintended Consequences of Governmental Actions
2011 - Dec 06 on Borders, In Bankruptcy, Aims To Sell 65,536 IPv4 Addresses at $12/Address
2011 - Dec 06 on Borders, In Bankruptcy, Aims To Sell 65,536 IPv4 Addresses at $12/Address
2011 - Nov 13 on Is Africa Ready for a dotAfrica gTLD Future?
2011 - Nov 10 on Is Africa Ready for a dotAfrica gTLD Future?
2011 - Nov 10 on Is Africa Ready for a dotAfrica gTLD Future?
2011 - Nov 07 on IPv4 Historical Imbalances and the Threat to IPv6
2011 - Nov 05 on Is Africa Ready for a dotAfrica gTLD Future?
2011 - Nov 04 on Is Africa Ready for a dotAfrica gTLD Future?
2011 - Nov 03 on Is Africa Ready for a dotAfrica gTLD Future?
2011 - Sep 30 on Multi-Stakeholder Debate at the IGF: Lessons from a Safari
2011 - Sep 29 on Multi-Stakeholder Debate at the IGF: Lessons from a Safari
2011 - Apr 20 on IPv4 Addresses Not Property, Canada Weighs in on the Nortel/Microsoft Transfer
2011 - Apr 20 on IPv4 Addresses Not Property, Canada Weighs in on the Nortel/Microsoft Transfer
2010 - Dec 10 on The Real Threat to the Single Root of the Internet Seems to Come from ICANN Itself, of All Places
2010 - Nov 09 on The ISP Industry: Concentrated or Diverse?
2010 - Oct 26 on Landing Sites, Internet's Achilles Heel of the Internet?
2010 - Oct 09 on On the Need to Separate the Telecom Business Agenda from Government Policy
2010 - Oct 08 on Plutocrats and the Internet
2010 - Sep 16 on Competition to Regional Internet Registries (RIR) for Post-Allocation Services?
2010 - Sep 15 on Competition to Regional Internet Registries (RIR) for Post-Allocation Services?
2010 - Sep 15 on Silvia Hagen: It's Not About IPv6 Transition But Urgent Integration
2010 - May 31 on The Digital Divide on IP Addresses
2010 - Mar 06 on Country Internet Registries: One African Perspective
2010 - Mar 05 on Country Internet Registries: One African Perspective
2010 - Feb 18 on How to Manage Internet Abundance
2009 - Oct 09 on ICANN's Positive Affirmation: Good News for Africa and Emerging Markets
2009 - Jun 01 on FUD for Thought: ARIN Releases Comic Books
2009 - Feb 10 on ICANN Blows $4.6 Million In Stock Market
2009 - Jan 07 on ICANN Uses For-Profit Companies as "Comparables" in Its Employee Compensation
2009 - Jan 06 on ICANN Uses For-Profit Companies as "Comparables" in Its Employee Compensation
2008 - Feb 17 on Comments on an IP Address Trading Market
2008 - Jan 30 on 2008 Report Analyzing Distribution and Trends of IP Address Allocation
2007 - Nov 14 on On the Hunt for "Critical Internet Resources"
2007 - Jun 07 on IPv6 for the Rest of Us
2006 - Jun 07 on GG, IM, and JE: Welcome (officially) to ISO3166, Good Bye GB
2006 - Mar 03 on China's New Domain Names: Lost in Translation
2006 - Mar 01 on China's New Domain Names: Lost in Translation
2005 - Dec 23 on What's Wrong with Domain Names?
2005 - Nov 08 on Internet Governance: Countdown to Tunis
2005 - Oct 26 on A Further Look Into ORSN
2005 - Aug 10 on About Those Root Servers

Topic Interests

IPv6 TransitionPolicy & RegulationInternet GovernanceRegional RegistriesDNS IPv4 MarketsWhoisInternet ProtocolICANNPrivacyDNS SecurityNew TLDsDomain NamesCensorshipRegistry ServicesCybercrimeAccess ProvidersTelecomDDoS AttackVoIPBroadbandNet NeutralityCybersecurityLawDomain ManagementWirelessMultilinguismNetworksThreat IntelligenceSpamCyberattackBrand Protection

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